Important question!!

in General Discussion edited January 2014
AGP. What is it? Can a sawtooth G4 support a video card that is at least AGP 2X (i.e., run quartz extreme in all its glory???). Thx.


  • Reply 1 of 2
    ghost_user_nameghost_user_name Posts: 22,667member

    Can't we keep all this quartz extreme discussion in one thread... or at least the same forum?

    Anyway, apple-history has the answer to your question; though, it seems to be down this morning. Fortunately, I already know that "Sawtooth" was the codename for the "AGP G4."

    So, yes, your Mac is supported.

  • Reply 2 of 2
    torifiletorifile Posts: 4,024member
    [quote]Originally posted by starfleetX:


    Can't we keep all this quartz extreme discussion in one thread... or at least the same forum?

    Anyway, apple-history has the answer to your question; though, it seems to be down this morning. Fortunately, I already know that "Sawtooth" was the codename for the "AGP G4."

    So, yes, your Mac is supported.


    Ok. I had an ulterior motive for posting this thread. I'm thinking about picking up a sawtooth on the cheap and I wanted an answer quick. I posted a thread in current hardware a couple of days ago, but it's deader than a doornail in there right now and I needed an answer by 1:00 edt. Thx, starfleet. Mods, you can close this thread if you like. Sorry for the devious posting tactics.
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