
in AAPL Investors edited June 2015

Seems like Dish & T-Mobile are talking about a tie-up.  I'm just tossing this on the table but Apple has little control over distribution of digital content.  They are totally bound to telco/cableco for the Last Mile problem to the home.  Seems like a decent idea to acquire an arguably similar rebel company (and John Legere is closest to His Steveness on the planet now) and make T-Mobile the in-house delivery system.  At the same time, buy the bandwidth from Charlie Ergen which provides the addt'l capacity for the moment but the Apple war chest can go into the next round of FCC wireless auctions and make ATT & VZN absolutely crap their pants.  Seriously, we're paying for internet access twice over on a home based landline connection and also a data plan on our phones.  A home router w/ built in LTE makes perfect sense.  That's the real cord cutter solution.

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