Audio Missing on Older Video Clips in FCPX 10.2.1

in Genius Bar edited August 2015

Hi there....

I have been using FCP for only a few years now... I only ever use it for home videos... summer vacations... so I moved my entire iMovie library over a few years back and I have been using it to create my home movies ever since. But recently after I updated to the very latest release 10.2.1 I noticed that my older clips taken on my Sony MiniDV camera aren't playing the audio at all.... but if I visit the imported file folder and play the original file in Quicktime it plays perfectly.

I'm really starting to panic as I have years of old video that is in that format and now I can't create a project and export these if the audio isn't working.

I'm running Yosemite 10.10.4, and I tried re-installing an older version of FCP X 10.1.4 but it's having problems with the newly updated FCP Events library files... so that doesn't seem to be a fix either.... I now have two folders... an older named folder "Creative Media Old Final Cut Projects and Events" and a newly created FCP folder "Creative Media's projects and events" which after intensive review has my complete and most up to date video content.

Has anyone got any ideas as to how I could fix this... or if this has happened to them also.

Also... when going back over my events library I have noticed alot of events that have one name don't actually apply to the video content.... another concern... I suppose the best thing to do will be to manually go through every event clip and rename appropriately if necessary.... again just asking if anyone had a similar experience and if there was another workaround...?

Thank you for reading my cry for help and if you have any comments or suggestions please feel free to drop me a reply.



Irish MacUser & MacAddict!! 

Mac Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10), 64GB Ram with 512GB SSD Drive


  • Reply 1 of 3

    Anybody got and comments or suggestions as to how to resolve this issue...?

  • Reply 2 of 3
    linkmanlinkman Posts: 1,046member

    I don't know of a fix either. I ran into a weird problem with Quicktime complaining about damaged video files from my camera but I was able to play them successfully using VLC. I'd like to know what/if your fix is.


    This section doesn't see a lot of traffic. Perhaps you should post to Reddit and Apple's discussion forum?

  • Reply 3 of 3
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,438moderator
    The Quicktime inspector will show the video and audio formats. Check if they are something unusual. Sometimes you'll need to convert the files to get them to play well with editing software. Apple doesn't like legacy media formats much. They like things to be ProRes or H.264. Audio is fairly easy to re-encode, especially in Quicktime Pro, not Quicktime X. You can open the video and just save sound as aiff, paste it back in (add to movie but don't scale it) and save as self-contained. It worked before though so if they broke something, they might put it back again. If they know the audio format then they can fix it.
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