The "No Speed Bump" scenario...

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
I don't have any good sources, none that talk anyway, but I did hear the following excerpts from a discussion involving Apple's employees, specifically in regards to marketing-product positioning.

Apparently, after the 50MHZ speed bump fiasco from MacWorld's past, there has been a "Worst Case Scenario" plan in effect, in case Motorola was to hit another wall regarding processor speeds or low production rates (or both)... The folllowing is the product plan in place if Motorola does not come through with faster chips....

If no speed bump is possible...

The Dual Gig Bundle will include Office v.X and either Studio MX or Web Collection or both (as an ultimate bundle)

933 bundle will include Office with Photoshop LE version and a your choice of web creation program.

800 bundle will include Apple Works pro (a new , version of the AW app with more powerful feature set) And the superdrive would be available on all models...

Regarding iMacs

the combo model would price out at $1399.99 - the superdrive model $1599.99

the ultimate iMac would be $1899.99 and have a superdrive , G4 1Ghz with Zero L3 Cache.

No change in the eMac pending sales fluctuations.

This is just what I heard in case Motorola doesn't come through, so don't flame me with "false" "true" statements...


[ 06-25-2002: Message edited by: Masker ]</p>


  • Reply 1 of 43
    keyboardf12keyboardf12 Posts: 1,379member
    hmm. i am feeling scared and informed at the same time. hopefully your friends are too far from the inner circle to know about a new cpu.

    when / what timeframe did you hear this?
  • Reply 2 of 43
    keyboardf12keyboardf12 Posts: 1,379member
    there are other rumors of apples tarting to bundle software. scary.
  • Reply 3 of 43
    bodhibodhi Posts: 1,424member
    [quote]Originally posted by Masker:

    <strong>I don't have any good sources, none that talk anyway, but I did hear the following excerpts from a discussion involving Apple's employees, specifically in regards to marketing-product positioning.

    Apparently, after the 50MHZ speed bump fiasco from MacWorld's past, there has been a "Worst Case Scenario" plan in effect, in case Motorola was to hit another wall regarding processor speeds or low production rates (or both)... The folllowing is the product plan in place if Motorola does not come through with faster chips....

    If no speed bump is possible...

    The Dual Gig Bundle will include Office v.X and either Studio MX or Web Collection or both (as an ultimate bundle)

    933 bundle will include Office with Photoshop LE version and a your choice of web creation program.

    800 bundle will include Apple Works pro (a new , version of the AW app with more powerful feature set) And the superdrive would be available on all models...

    Regarding iMacs

    the combo model would price out at $1399.99 - the superdrive model $1599.99

    the ultimate iMac would be $1899.99 and have a superdrive , G4 1Ghz with Zero L3 Cache.

    No change in the eMac pending sales fluctuations.

    This is just what I heard in case Motorola doesn't come through, so don't flame me with "false" "true" statements...


    [ 06-25-2002: Message edited by: Masker ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Good job taking a rumor from Spymac, changing it around a little and making it sound like it's your own info.


  • Reply 4 of 43
    I heard if Apple can't speed bump they're going to introduce pretty darn much everything? , including:

    Apple branded home appliances

    Apple tablet PCs

    An Apple PDA

    An Apple Cell Phone

    The Apple iToast a computer roughly the size of a toaster with a DVD and a CD-RW drive

    XServer-Their new personal slave robot

    A new version of Appleworks that whoops up on Office and (oddly enough) Filemaker

    A new version of the Mail client renamed eM@iler that can handle proprietary email as well as standard POP and IMAP

    Applesauce-the new gaming console from those wild and wacky folks at Apple

    The new Apple Stylewriter line the 15000 and 25000 (both recasings of Epson designs)

    An Apple branded home and home office furniture line

    ON your way out of the keynote look for folks sitting catatonically mumbling "I cannot buy it all, I cannot buy it all"
  • Reply 5 of 43
    kecksykecksy Posts: 1,002member
    I don't know what would happen to Apple if they got stuck at 1GHz. It's almost too scary to contemplate.

    The G4 has to keep scaling. A lot of pro sales depend on it.

    Luckily, there is evidence to suggest this is not the case.

    Yields of the 1GHz 7455 seem to be very high. Apple is using them in two dual configurations and a single. 3rd party 1GHz upgrades are on the horizon as well, so there must be plenty of chips to go around.

    This indicates Motorola did something right. The 7455 could probably scale as high as 1.2GHz before yields begin to suffer.

    So the chances of there not being any speed bump at Macworld are almost no existent.

    Good news, although I hope the new iMac gets the 1.2GHz chips because the PowerMacs deserve something faster. 1.5GHz 7460 with 166MHz MPX would be great.

    [ 06-25-2002: Message edited by: Keeksy ]</p>
  • Reply 6 of 43
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member
    Only a DAMN FOOL would even suggest that the Powermacs won't be bumped. I feel for you if you actually trust this "source"
  • Reply 7 of 43
    macubusmacubus Posts: 95member
    They know they better speed bump. This is the future of the Mac we are watching unfold before our very eyes.
  • Reply 8 of 43
    blackcatblackcat Posts: 697member
    Surely a 1Ghz G4 could be overclocked to offer a speedbump anyway.
  • Reply 9 of 43
    nitridenitride Posts: 100member
    If there are supply problems of the G4 it must be news to Apple. They are using G4s in 5 separate product lines and now there are third-party upgrades with G4s up to 1 GHz.

    Apple is going to upgrade the G4s, there no doubt about it.

    If they do offer MORE value in the software end thats great. Many have whined about how the iMac comes with a big software bundle while the "pro" more expensive G4s come with jack squat (relatively speaking, discounting all the swag OS X comes with already).

    Its not unheard of to bundle apps with hardware at Apple, they just meander back and forth between take it or leave it and PLEASE BUY OUR PRODUCTS LOOK AT ALL OUR BUNDLED APPS deals.
  • Reply 10 of 43
    sizzle chestsizzle chest Posts: 1,133member
    I can't imagine they can't squeeze out at least a 1.2ghz. I know I won't be persuaded to purchase by a bunch of software I already own!
  • Reply 11 of 43
    maskermasker Posts: 451member

    when / what timeframe did you hear this?[/QB]<hr></blockquote>

    I've been on vacation and heard it last week... the fact that I heard it may have meant it's a plan of action that Apple won't have to take, and therefore it's now not-so-secret....

    At any rate, based on other's comments, I now know why noone seems to post anything remotely approaching rumor-worthy.

    And regarding the post, alluding to me gleaning this information from spymac, well, I don't visit spymac, and was unaware of their story. The place in which I heard this info was a meeting of sorts with invited guests who may have heard similar information. (in fact some of this info was inferred during a presentation at this meeting.)

  • Reply 12 of 43
    bodhibodhi Posts: 1,424member
    [quote]Originally posted by Masker:


    I've been on vacation and heard it last week... the fact that I heard it may have meant it's a plan of action that Apple won't have to take, and therefore it's now not-so-secret....

    At any rate, based on other's comments, I now know why noone seems to post anything remotely approaching rumor-worthy.

    And regarding the post, alluding to me gleaning this information from spymac, well, I don't visit spymac, and was unaware of their story. The place in which I heard this info was a meeting of sorts with invited guests who may have heard similar information. (in fact some of this info was inferred during a presentation at this meeting.)


  • Reply 13 of 43
    telomartelomar Posts: 1,804member
    It's fair to say that absolutely every single company I have ever worked for has had contingency plans for those cases when they can't meet a release date as expected.

    Contingency ideas get thrown around all the time and any company that doesn't have them....well it's rather poor business practice.

    I would be rather surprised to discover Apple's contingency plans were as pathetic as that though
  • Reply 14 of 43
    Maybe rather then the phrase, "speed bump", "wind breaker" would be better? Maybe they will do something so neat we will all fall out of our chairs watching the webcast...
  • Reply 15 of 43
    ptrashptrash Posts: 296member
    Lots of ppeople beleive that the new 1 gig CPU upgrades point to proof of faster processors in the pipeline. Just as many say there's absoloutely no connection. I know this is slightly tangential, but what technical issue was keeping the upgrade companies from putting out faster upgrades before? (I can't believe it was a financial issue, since they get so much for the damn upgrades.)

    If there wasn't a tech issue, then I am convinced it was Apple's relationship with Motorola (and IBM) that kept the upgrades out of the marketplace. And if they are selling 1 gig G4s now as upgrades, I'd be pretty surprised to see the bottom of the new PM line below 1 gig, and the top below 1.3 (or 1.33 or the closest speed that works).Or, in lieu of faster G4s, some significant tweaks to the MB. No matter how they do it, they're going to have to roll out faster PMs to compete with the upgrade market.
  • Reply 16 of 43
    shetlineshetline Posts: 4,695member
    [quote]Originally posted by hmurchison:

    <strong>Only a DAMN FOOL would even suggest that the Powermacs won't be bumped. I feel for you if you actually trust this "source"</strong><hr></blockquote>

    As far as I'm concerned, if the biggest speed bump is only as high as 1.2 GHz for a new top of the line PowerMac, Apple should implement the same contigency plan as for no speed bump at all. I think many of us would find 1.2 GHz, especially without real DDR, a huge disappointment.

    For myself, I still wouldn't buy such a system even with all of these software goodies, or any other likely promotional gimmick for that matter. I'll keep waiting (and I hope I don't have to) for a real and significant increase in performance before I buy my next Mac system.
  • Reply 17 of 43
    [quote]Originally posted by Masker:


    And regarding the post, alluding to me gleaning this information from spymac, well, I don't visit spymac, and was unaware of their story. The place in which I heard this info was a meeting of sorts with invited guests who may have heard similar information. (in fact some of this info was inferred during a presentation at this meeting.)


    Was hiding in a storage closet involved during this meeting?
  • Reply 18 of 43
    msleemslee Posts: 143member
    I wouldn't worry too much about this. Apple will holf off release of the updated PowerMacs (either simply a speed bump or something more substantive) until they ARE ready. What may happen is that Apple will annouce additional video card options for BTO orders.
  • Reply 19 of 43
    bartobarto Posts: 2,246member
    The question is, if this happeneds, what does Apple do when new upgrades are ready? Stop bundleing the software?

    This would totally change the Power Mac, IMHO, into a budget machine for designers.

  • Reply 20 of 43
    Whether or not Apple can push the 1Ghz barrrier, i think it's crutial that since they will never catch up to the Intel/AMD numbers to have all the pro desktops (and possibly laptops) come standard with dual processors and at least 1MB L3 cache.

    Lets face it, dual 1Ghzs are good, but compare that to a 2+ Ghz intel/AMD chip with a 500 Mhz (overclocked bus), w/ DDR RAM.

    Ever wonder why we havent seen Pentium-G4 shootouts recently ?
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