Razormaid has feedback.

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  • Reply 1 of 7
    No pinch and zoom or "turn device sideways for larger text view" on comments forum? There.. That's my topic. Skip over this is this is NOT and issue for you and 4 point size that's non adjustable is NOT and issue with you when reading or writing in the comments section now in the new layout. For you guys that think it's fine "Move on nothing to see here" (oh I made a pun, get it? Nothing to "see" here as in literally I can't see it HA!) I know that it must have taking hundreds and hundreds of hours and then testing to get the new forum and comments sections moved, up and running, but fort an apple site that deals exclusively with apple issues and apple product to leave off the most basic of Apple features "pinch and zoom" that seems idiotic to me. Does no one else have a problem with the unadjustable size on their iPhone? Seriously? It's so small I have to squint. And turning the phone doesn't adjust the screen size to wrap the text making it bigger, it actually just keeps it exactly the same but the window width is longer. If someone has figured out a work around (and please don't tell me a work around is to stop signing into this forum, that's not helping at all but I can see that coming a mile away) anything constructive I would really appreciate it, because I click on this site 5-7 times a day just to get the pulse of others. 8 years ago I had my eye doctors switch my contact lenses away from 20/20 vision (which was 5.0 in each eye) to perfect at 18 inches. That's because everything I do all day long is on a computer so actually 18 inches should be my 20/20. Since then I wear 3.5 in one eye, 4.0 in the other and can see not only things on the computer with ease, but oddly enough I didn't loose much on far away either. Hell I can read the far away street signs long before anyone else in the car and they have 20/20 vision! Lol If someone can please explain why MacRumours, 9 to 5 Mac and all the others and have a "pinch to zoom" forum and article option but a site who has the word "Apple" in their name can not, I would appreciate knowing And if anyone can give me a ligeitimate work around other than stop coming here - that would be appreciated as well Joseph
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  • Reply 2 of 7
    edited December 2015
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  • Reply 3 of 7
    sphericspheric Posts: 2,718member
    Good morning. There is a "Feedback" forum to address precisely the kinds of issues you describe. And there is discussion going on. Go there, formulate your complaints (if nobody else has), and they will be seen. FWIW, this view is MUCH more useful on mobile devices with small screens than the old one was, which you could zoom but then had to scroll sideways for every line.
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  • Reply 4 of 7
    sphericspheric Posts: 2,718member
    The edit tool is under the little cogwheel. It doesn't work unless you deactivate your adblocker.
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  • Reply 5 of 7
    edited December 2015
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  • Reply 6 of 7
    mwhitemwhite Posts: 287member
    razormaid said:
    spheric said:
    Good morning. There is a "Feedback" forum to address precisely the kinds of issues you describe. And there is discussion going on. Go there, formulate your complaints (if nobody else has), and they will be seen. FWIW, this view is MUCH more useful on mobile devices with small screens than the old one was, which you could zoom but then had to scroll sideways for every line.
    Well it's not more useful if you can't read it because it's too small and I'm on an iPhone +. A non adjustable screen is anti Apple.  If any other site did that people would be calling them out on it because it wouldn't be "Apple friendly".  Since when is "no other option" a better option?  When has that ever worked in history?
    You know they are changing things every day give them time then bitch if they don't!
    Just like this morning I couldn't log in again had to email them and get a new password but in time all things will be fixed.
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  • Reply 7 of 7
    jSnivelyjsnively Posts: 459administrator
    Moved from an off-topic thread.
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