Falling prices! Worthless paperweights!

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
About six months ago i purchased a new imac. A few months later i learn that my imac has just been down graded by the newer version. Thus dropping the price of the primative imacs and taking money out of my pocket.

Can apple just please knock it off.

I am now forced to buy the new emac in order to run applications more efficiently. My only fear is that as soon as i buy the new emac apple will come out with a much faster version again making my computer pricless. (becuase no one will be willing to pay a price for it)

Someone tell me i am not crazy and that apple should be a little less secretive and hint to us a little how things are going to be like. So we wont be loosing so much money out of our pockets.

I know apple may still be a bit timid to tell us anything due to the whole windows ripoff, but remember we are your friends.

p.s. You can get rid of the stupid people at spymac if only you tell us more.


  • Reply 1 of 5
    keyboardf12keyboardf12 Posts: 1,379member
    welcome to the personal computer industry.
  • Reply 2 of 5
    programmerprogrammer Posts: 3,467member
    Frustrating, isn't it? Unfortunately, Apple would only be slitting its own throat by telling you what was coming... there is already a sales slump before every MacWorld just because people think something new might be introduced!

    Imagine if Apple said "in January our machines will be 100% faster, come with these new applications, ship with 50% more memory and disks, and use a new expansion bus that will make all current cards obsolete". There would still be some sales, but a lot of people would hold off. And then imagine what would happen if something unexpected happened and they couldn't deliver. Law suits galore, from both customers and share holders.

    Engineering schedules are fickle, plans and priorities change, the competition is watching, etc. Nobody in the computer industry (or many other industries, for that matter) drops their drawers for all to see just so that you can decide not to buy their current product.

    Besides, AIForums would get awfully boring.
  • Reply 3 of 5
    thuh freakthuh freak Posts: 2,664member
    [quote] My only fear is that as soon as i buy the new emac apple will come out with a much faster version <hr></blockquote>

    with computers, its guaranteed that the 1 you buy will someday not be the best anymore. It's not in Apple's best interest to give details about their schedule, so they won't. But, on the other hand, you don't need to buy a computer just because a faster one is out. I'm sitting on a blue 'n' white g3, and it still chugs along, even on X. A new computer will prolly be faster and better spec'd, but yours will likely be able to handle the tasks. Just suck it up.
  • Reply 3 of 5
    bigcbigc Posts: 1,224member
    They could do what the car manufacturers do and release new models every year. Now they would be releasing the 2003 models.
  • Reply 5 of 5
    crusadercrusader Posts: 1,129member
    If Apple preannounced products in advance, they would go the way of Osborne Computer Corp.

    ("But Crusader" you say, "I don't know of any company called Osborne Computer Corp.!"

    In turn I reply: "Exactly").

    Powermacs retain prices like a b!tch though. $1,212.00 for a dual 500! Oy.

    [ 06-29-2002: Message edited by: Crusader ]</p>
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