Future .Mac services...
When I first got my iPod, I looked all over the internet for books on mp3. I ran into audible.com and I was upset that they didn't offer Mac support (typical, I thought). Well, now audible.com support is right in iTunes. That got me to thinking about iPhoto and now how it's most useful when used with a .Mac account.
So, now we have iPhoto, whose utility is greatly extended through .Mac (via homepage publishing). iTunes will go that way too, through partnerships with companies like audible. Quicktime I could easily see extended in this way.
I'm getting more and more excited about this the more I think about it. Sure, it'll cost some money, but you know it won't be some half-assed job. The future is bright. I'm looking forward to it. :cool:
So, what other services are down the line for .Mac users?
[ 07-19-2002: Message edited by: torifile ]</p>
So, now we have iPhoto, whose utility is greatly extended through .Mac (via homepage publishing). iTunes will go that way too, through partnerships with companies like audible. Quicktime I could easily see extended in this way.
I'm getting more and more excited about this the more I think about it. Sure, it'll cost some money, but you know it won't be some half-assed job. The future is bright. I'm looking forward to it. :cool:
So, what other services are down the line for .Mac users?
[ 07-19-2002: Message edited by: torifile ]</p>
Actually I got more than one email addresses, on the past I love the @mac.com email. This is a identity for a community. I loved to talk/chat to @mac.com friends this mean we are Apple customer, we use apple, we love apple, we are in the same community.
I am so disappointed they charge for it. For me, the basic(5MB) email service is enough for me. I am not going to pay for others I don?t need. I got a palm, I can sync my contact, copy file between my working comp and home comp. Others service is not nessary for me.
So I am moving out of this community, I don?t feel comfortable here anymore. Many of my @mac.com friends will do the same as me.
Like audible.com content. Or Kodak pictures. Or streaming media. You know? Maybe I'll alter the title of my thread a little.
I'll check out Audible.com myself. I think these type of services are the way to go. It IS after all choice.
I say charge money!
I also say provide Services, and from all appearances that's exactly what's happening.
I am truly more excited about owning an Apple this week than I have been in some time. The things that are being bundled with the software provide TRUE functionality at a system-level. The integration with .Mac and embrasure of industry standards is creating a truly outstanding product.
I'll gladly shell out the bucks for Jag when it arrives, and I'll consider buying into .Mac in September if the services (like Calendar) are compelling enough.
I'm not totally unsympathetic for the folks who can't afford to pay for .Mac. Perhaps there will be an ammendment to .Mac that will allow for people to buy in at TIERS of need. Maybe $20/year for simple email access, and other services available as your needs grow. That way you scoop up more users. But any business that gives away everything for free forever is a company that won't be around for that same period of time.
I can also imagine other tied-in services like vacation planning, itineraries and reservations with a company like Travelocity or Frommer's. I imagine there are lots of partnerships like that. It' just a question of Apple would bring to the table in a deal like that -- what extras would be given to those privileged with a .mac account?
Who knows, if they ever do start streaming movies on the web, there's a natural tie-in with QT and .mac rentals.