Do I pay sales tax if I order from Apple Online Store? (NYC)

in General Discussion edited January 2014
I was seriously thinking of coming to the US to pickup a TiBook to bring back to Europe.

As I posted elsewhere, in US a base TiBook costs 2499. Here in Belgium, and elsewhere, the cost is about 3400euro (taxes included) which, with today's exchange rate, makes it about 1000 dollars more expensive here.

I have a few friends in NYC and since flying there is pretty cheap (about 250$ or less sometimes), i could both get a cheaper TiBook, see friends, relax, and come back to Belgium... while still most likely having saved money.

If I order a TiBook online from the US Online store, do I pay sales tax? Lets say I order it to a friends place and then pick it up from him/her? Is that doable? Or does the sales tax get added somewhere? Otherwise, how much is sales tax in NYC? How much does it cost for a TiBook at the SoHo Apple Store for example?

thanks to all fellow New Yorkers (and others)


  • Reply 1 of 3
    macgpmacgp Posts: 88member
    Yes, you do have to pay sales tax
  • Reply 2 of 3
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    Have somebody order it in NY from a place like Amazon or MacConnection, where you will not be subject to sales tax. Technically you're supposed to file claims on these...
  • Reply 3 of 3
    zozo Posts: 3,117member
    so if I order from the Apple online store I have to pay NYC sales tax?

    But if I order from Amazon or Macconnection I dont?

    What happens if I order with my CC but have it sent to someone else? Who is then 'responsible' for paying the taxes? Me who paid or the person that receives it? I wouldnt want to get the person in trouble.

    The prob with not ordering from Apple is that I wanted to maybe get a bigger HD or something.

    How much is sales tax in NYC anyway? Been a ling time since I lived there

    thanks again for the info
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