Moved: E-mail questions

in General Discussion edited January 2014
I am thinking of starting an e-mail service, using my computer (g4 867) and an sdsl line. (768/768-1000/1000) I have a few questions:

-How much do you think people would pay for an e-mail which gives you a 500 meg(!) inbox a year. Would 50 dollars per year be reasonable, or would 25 be better?

-How many people do you think I could get for the e-mail? I would hopefully get both POP3 and IMAP. I will support IMAP as they have 500 megs.

-I might also let people host a small personal web site using part of their 500 megs, but no major bandwidth sucking.

any ideas would be appreciated.

[ 07-20-2002: Message edited by: Jamie ]</p>


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