New Retail Partner Idea?

in General Discussion edited January 2014
Just wondering what others think of this idea.

I don't know about you but there isn't likely to be an Apple Store opening in my area, well pretty much ever. We also don't have a CompUSA anywhere near by. (Hey, its rural OK!)

But, we do have all these really nice Target buildings taht are all being built or updated to SuperTargets. They are also selling limited computer supplies, digital cameras, digital camcorders, etc.

What if they had an iMac set up to show how easy it is to use the digital camera/camcorder you are looking at buying and why you might want to go digital. They also could sell iBooks, iMacs and maybe the eMac. No power stuff but the consumer level computers. The Targets around here have nice displays and tend to sell a little more quality stuff than somewhere like Walmart. They also aren't selling anything else so some stupid salesman isn't necessarily going to talk someone out of one. It could be a sell itself type deal but give the machine more exposure to the public in a clean settiing.

Just a thought, and hey, I could buy a Mac without driving over 150 miles!


  • Reply 1 of 11
    icarusicarus Posts: 31member
    Maybe when they have more market share...Target sells a LOT of PC stuff right now and I'm sure Apple thinks that they are doing a smashing job no matter what.

    Although Target sure does follow what Apple does and copies it into things quickly (ie all the coloured products and now the clean white and brushed metal looks)
  • Reply 2 of 11
    ibrowseibrowse Posts: 1,749member
    I go to Target all the time and I wouldn't mind that too bad. I can't afford anything right now, but I've drove twice to Buffalo, 1 1/2 away, to just look at the apple store there.
  • Reply 3 of 11
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    God, I hope not. I hate those big stores. I hate walking in and getting a sniff of the plasticky stale air typical of those stores.

    it would be more trouble than it's worth, as evidenced by the unfortunate Best Buy and Sears deals.
  • Reply 4 of 11
    tomahawktomahawk Posts: 179member
    Ah, but Best Buy and Sears sell other computers too, or have.

    At Target there are a lot of times where there isn't even a salesman to tell people not to buy the machines. I haven't seen any computers for sale at Target around us yet, just stuff for them.

    They sold well at Best Buy but the salesman sucked and BB didn't want to deal with all the colors when they updated the iMacs.
  • Reply 5 of 11
    frawgzfrawgz Posts: 547member
    Despite the fact that Apple has a former Target exec, I think Target may be too close to the likes of Wal-Mart for this ever to be considered by the royal iCEO. That's not to say Apple hasn't ventured into similar areas before.. haven't they sold iMacs in some Target-like stores in the UK?

    And don't forget Sears (which failed, for the second time).

    It's a funny idea, though. If Apple had a presence in Target back when they had entire aisles devoted to translucent candy-colored plastic household items, then people might be able to buy strawberry spatulas and George Foreman grills to match their iMacs.
  • Reply 6 of 11
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    You know what? Target has a COMPLETELY different vibe than Wal-Mart. This is just so. Not saying it's good or bad or anything like that, but it's SO different.

    A few exits from me is a big retail area off the freeway. There is a huge "super" Target (Target Greatland, they call them), then DIRECTLY across the access street (less than 200 yards, literally) is a huge, honkin' Wal-Mart.

    I'm a Target guy, myself. Always have been. But, on occasion, I've gone over to Wal-Mart (both at that location and others, all over SoCal).

    Guys, it's just DIFFERENT. Believe me. The whole atmosphere, vibe, style, employees, customers, store design/layout/feel, etc.

    Here's how I see it (in terms of hipness, or having cool, nice-looking stuff and a clean, inviting presence):

    1. Target

    2. Wal-Mart

    3. K-Mart (I was just in a K-Mart last weekend and what an abysmal shithole...I couldn't wait to get out )

    Even if Target didn't actually SELL iMacs (and, honestly, they probably SHOULDN'T...not unless they do it right and hire at least one person who is halfway Mac savvy/passionate, otherwise you just have another Sears/Circuit City/Best Buy situation where a know-nothing, anti-Mac pinhead does more harm to the platform than good).

    But to have an iMac sitting there, and have the cameras and stuff around it?

    I don't know.

    I could see Target doing it (and it actually making sense) rather than the other two places.

    Target does have a couple of big aisles these days devoted to inkjets, blank CDs, Zips, inkjet refills, digital cameras, computer accesories (mousepads, storage solutions, USB cables, etc.), etc.

    They make it look nice, modern and clean, with clearly marked prices and cool, well-designed POP displays, banners, type treatments, etc.

    Again, a HUGE step-up in vibe/appearance than the other two stores.

    If you don't believe me, just go - on a Saturday morning around 11am or so - and sit in front of a Target and notice the crowds going in and out. Notice everything about them (hint: what they drive, how they talk, what they wear, etc.).

    Then do the same at the other two places. If you can't tell the difference, you're not looking hard enough.

    BTW, I'm NOT being snobby or anything like that. It's just true. I'm surrounded by about 5 Targets in a 15-20 mile radius. Have about 3 big Wal-Marts also.

    In general, on balance, the people I see/encounter at Target are a tad more upscale, design conscious (they have that whole kitchen/bath Michael Graves crap going, and people seem to dig all the house furnishings and knick-knacks are more like IKEA or Pier One than Wal-Mart's that simple).

    Just hipper, all the way around.

    When I go to Wal-Mart (ANY Wal-Mart I've ever been to!), it's loud, gaudy, crowded, messy, unorganized and the people there (not all, but a strong majority) are just in a different group. A different "lifestyle", I guess.

    Again, not to be snotty or judgemental (because I'm not trying to be at all). But some of you know what I'm talking about.

    It's just DIFFERENT.

    Target: smooth-legged, manicured/pedicured, sexy 38-year-old soccer moms in snazzy clothes, well-toned bods and perfect teeth (in great numbers)

    Wal-Mart: Everything but.

  • Reply 7 of 11
    tomahawktomahawk Posts: 179member
    That was kind of my thinking. The funniest thing is my girlfriend's dad is a manager at Walmart.

    Target tends to sell a little more expensive but often slightly better or more in style product, is the way I've seen it.

    I tend to lean toward Target too, that's why I thought the clean look, bright display, etc. would be a good setting. Also, the salesperson in the electronics area would have to learn the Mac a little to be able to demonstrate why a customer should by the camera itself. I have PC friends who have used iMovie at an Apple Store and were sold on the idea of making videos on a computer. Who knows what they will buy if they have the money, the program and computer sold the idea though.

    And you have to admit, the face time never hurts!
  • Reply 8 of 11
    tomahawktomahawk Posts: 179member
    Well, this thread got old but there is more to add.

    The Switch ads must be working or something. I ran into an older couple at OfficeMax today. I heard them say something about not seeing anything for the mac but didn't worry about it. Then, while they were looking at a computer there they asked a salesman if they carried any Macs. The guy just said no and walked away.

    I went over and asked if they had any questions figuring I might be able to help them out. I mentioned that I order all the equipment for our office too. Their question was simply could they hook a different monitor to a Mac. They didn't want an iMac (didn't ask why). I told them pretty much any PC monitor will work just fine on the PowerMac and mentioned they might want to look at an eMac if they don't want a flat panel.

    The woman's first comment after I started talking to them was, "order them huh".

    There are very few places to get an Apple around here, especially for people who don't know how to find them.

    Oh, these people said their NEXT computer would be a mac.
  • Reply 9 of 11
    So, could the iPod be the beginning???

    I still think this is a good idea. There are way more Targets than there will be Apple Stores!
  • Reply 10 of 11
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    [quote]Originally posted by Tomahawk:

    <strong>So, could the iPod be the beginning???

    I still think this is a good idea. There are way more Targets than there will be Apple Stores!</strong><hr></blockquote>

    That's why Apple can't sell computers at Target. Computers rarely sell themselves. You need a dedicated salesperson to hawk 'em. That's why Apple hired Apple Solutions Consultants to man CompUSAs.

    iPods and other shelf items sell themselves.
  • Reply 11 of 11
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member
    Put 'em in every post office in the country.
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