DOJ confirms successful iPhone data extraction, withdraws encryption case against Apple [u]

in General Discussion edited March 2016
The Department of Justice on Monday filed to withdraw a legal action compelling Apple's assistance in unlocking an iPhone linked to last year's San Bernardino shootings, saying it successfully gained access to, and extracted data from, the target device.

The Justice Department has moved to vacate a California court order compelling Apple provide aid in an ongoing FBI investigation into the San Bernardino shootings. With a working exploit, law enforcement agents no longer require help from the iPhone maker and cannot -- or need to -- assert the All Writs Act to force Apple's assistance.

"The government has now successfully accessed the data stored on Farook's iPhone and therefore no longer requires the assistance from Apple Inc. mandated by Court's Order Compelling Apple Inc. to Assist Agents in Search dated February 16, 2016," the government said in a court filing.

An unnamed government official informed USA Today of the Justice Department's plans on Monday, more than one week before federal prosecutors in the case are due to update the court on the efficacy of a third-party unlock method presented earlier this month. Court reporter Dan Levine of Reuters confirmed the decision on Twitter.

"It remains a priority for the government to ensure that law enforcement can obtain crucial digital information to protect national security and public safety, either with cooperation from relevant parties, or through the court system when cooperation fails," said DOJ spokesperson Melanie Newman in a statement to BuzzFeed News. "We will continue to pursue all available options for this mission, including seeking the cooperation of manufacturers and relying upon the creativity of both the public and private sectors."

Apple in February was ordered by a federal magistrate judge to comply with FBI demands for assistance in unlocking an iPhone tied to San Bernardino terror suspect Syed Rizwan Farook. The company resisted, arguing that the creation of a software workaround weakens the security of millions of iOS devices around the world and had implications on the public's right to privacy.

Due to its high-profile nature, the case spilled over into the public arena, sparking a contentious debate over the proper balance between civil rights and national security. The stakes were high for both sides, as an FBI win would set valuable precedent in asserting AWA as an effective evidence gathering tool, while Apple would gain protections against the same if it won.

In a last minute twist just one day prior to an initial evidentiary hearing, federal prosecutors called for a delay after being presented a potential workaround from an outside party. It appears the method is effective, rendering all prior arguments moot.

With a working iOS exploit in the wild, focus is bound to shift toward Apple. The company's assertions, which rested on the premise of a nigh unhackable operating system, have been upended by today's development. Not only does Apple need to recover from the inevitable PR debacle, but it must also work to secure its devices against an attack method that could be aired in public as court evidence.

The government has not yet determined whether or not it will furnish details of the vulnerability to Apple engineers, and it is not clear that the company is entitled to such information.

Aside from its prepared statements, the DOJ made no substantial comments on the matter during a media conference call, saying that releasing details on the exploit would be premature. Apple did not comment on today's news.

Update: Apple has issued a brief statement, as reported by BuzzFeed's John Paczkowski:

"From the beginning, we objected to the FBI's demand that Apple build a backdoor into the iPhone because we believed it was wrong and would set a dangerous precedent. As a result of the government's dismissal, neither of these occurred. This case should never have been brought.

We will continue to help law enforcement with their investigations, as we have done all along, and we will continue to increase the security of our products as the threats and attacks on our data become more frequent and more sophisticated.

Apple believes deeply that people in the States and around the world deserve data protection, security and privacy. Sacrificing one for the other only puts people and countries at greater risk.

This case raised issues which deserve a national conversation about our civil liberties, and our collective security and privacy. Apple remains committed to participating in that discussion."



  • Reply 1 of 159
    iSRSiSRS Posts: 50member
    Well, this case may be over, but this issue isn't resolved. 
    robertwalterNicVeneewtheckmanjony0tdknoxdysamoriabrian greenredgeminipajbdragonsteveh
  • Reply 2 of 159
    And the question we all have is: 'what was on the phone?' 

  • Reply 3 of 159
    I say this is GREAT! Let all the attention shift away from Apple to the government. Perhaps now the issue of encryption can be addressed rationally. 
    As far as how the FBI did it? Don't care, don't ask don't tell. 
    edited March 2016
  • Reply 4 of 159
    calicali Posts: 3,494member
    Part of me thinks this is BS and they never got into the iPhone and withdrew because of all the bad press they were getting.
    edited March 2016 ericthehalfbeeSoliboltsfan17irelandrobertwaltermcarlingronnisammiewtheckmandesignr
  • Reply 5 of 159
    volcanvolcan Posts: 1,799member
    And did they inform Apple of the security vulnerability that was used? Probably not, but they should as it could be an issue of national security.
    edited March 2016 robertwalterronnjony0magman1979baconstangdysamoriajmey267
  • Reply 6 of 159
    aaronjaaronj Posts: 1,595member
    macbootx said:
    I say this is GREAT! Let all the attention shift away from Apple to the government. Perhaps now the issue of encryption can be addressed rationally. 
    Mad far as how the FBI did it? Don't care, don't ask don't tell. 
    I question whether they actually did it at all, to be honest.
    mcarlingronndesignrcornchipkibitzermagman1979dysamoriabrian greenbrakkenbadmonk
  • Reply 7 of 159
    dcgoodcgoo Posts: 284member
    cali said:
    Part of me thinks this is BS and they never got into the iPhone and withdrew because of all the bad press they were getting.
    Or they broke it, trying to get in.
  • Reply 8 of 159
    calicali Posts: 3,494member
    volcan said:
    And did they inform Apple of the security vulnerability that was used? Probably not
    Nothing and they know this. I want to see if they reveal some big terrorist plot or anything. I bet they'll stay silent and use some excuse like "federal evidence" to stay silent. 
    cornchipesarbeedysamoriabrian greenredgeminipabadmonk
  • Reply 9 of 159
    rogifan_newrogifan_new Posts: 4,297member
    How do we know they're not lying?
    robertwaltercalidesignraaronjanantksundaramcornchipkibitzeresarbeedysamoriabrian green
  • Reply 10 of 159
    aaronjaaronj Posts: 1,595member
    How do we know they're not lying?
    Oh, I would just go on the assumption that they are and work from there.
  • Reply 11 of 159
    entropysentropys Posts: 4,262member
    cali said:
    Part of me thinks this is BS and they never got into the iPhone and withdrew because of all the bad press they were getting.
    I suspect you could be right. From the FBI's perspective better to leave the issue unresolved than to go to court and have it resolved in a way the FBI didn't like. If Apple won it would reduce the FBI's options not just with Apple but also with other 'less principled' manufacturers.

    On the other hand, the withdrawal also creates the impression Apple's encryption might have been broken. Apple will need to at least be seen to upgrade encryption in iOS9.4 that could deal with the exploit.

    The gripping hand is the encryption war goes on forever.
    edited March 2016 calikevdrexkibitzerbrian greenbadmonk
  • Reply 12 of 159
    So they melted the phone phone and realized that the dog don't hunt
  • Reply 13 of 159
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    macbootx said:
    I say this is GREAT! Let all the attention shift away from Apple to the government. Perhaps now the issue of encryption can be addressed rationally. 
    As far as how the FBI did it? Don't care, don't ask don't tell. 
    What about the concerns if they were able to do then hackers can? 
  • Reply 14 of 159
    rogifan_newrogifan_new Posts: 4,297member
    So is Apple legally required to find out how the FBI accessed the data so they can fix the vulnerability?
  • Reply 15 of 159
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member
    The U.S. Government lies through its teeth to its citizens every single day. Why should we believe they actually cracked the iPhone in question. Now if all the other state officials drop their requests too then maybe we can believe it. Remember the New York Attorney General said he has 170 iPhones he wants to get into. If he drops his claim too then I’ll believe it.
  • Reply 16 of 159
    CMA102DLCMA102DL Posts: 121member
    did they find the dormant cyber pathogen?
    edited March 2016 sockrolidcaliwonkothesanejax44tomkarlaaronjtdknoxcornchipfastasleepboopthesnoot
  • Reply 17 of 159
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    DOJ is probably lying to save face. Apple should find out and plug that hole. 
  • Reply 18 of 159
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member
    volcan said:
    And did they inform Apple of the security vulnerability that was used? Probably not, but they should as it could be an issue of national security.
    Some discussion by legal types say Apple has the legal right to request the government hand over the method.
  • Reply 19 of 159
    cali said:
    Part of me thinks this is BS and they never got into the iPhone and withdrew because of all the bad press they were getting.
    Yep I say it's good too. So one would assume that the next time they want into a phone they won't have to sue Apple to get into it. Case closed. If that's not the case then they'll be after it again and the whole world will know it was BS.
  • Reply 20 of 159
    elehcdnelehcdn Posts: 388member
    I call BS on this ...
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