"Pirates of Silicon Valley" sequel?
I just recently saw this. Entertaining, funny movie.
However, it had to end JUST when things were getting good.
Personally, I'd LOVE to see Wyle and Hall brought back for a sequel, because, as we know, A LOT has happened at Apple and Microsoft since Jobs' return and that Macworld with Gates on the big screen.
It could touch on the iStuff, Microsoft's DoJ troubles and the current "iffy" status between Apple and Microsoft, 5 years after that union.
In any case, I'd like to see it. Could be just as interesting as the first one, if done right.
So let's mull that over.
Also, feel free to play casting director. Assume Wyle and Michael-Hall would return (but hey, maybe not?). Who would you like to see play some of the principles:
Jobs, Gates, Balmer, Schiller, Ives, Goldblum, etc.?
Don't have to be huge, name stars. Dig deep into the realm of television, stage, commercials, etc.
However, it had to end JUST when things were getting good.
Personally, I'd LOVE to see Wyle and Hall brought back for a sequel, because, as we know, A LOT has happened at Apple and Microsoft since Jobs' return and that Macworld with Gates on the big screen.
It could touch on the iStuff, Microsoft's DoJ troubles and the current "iffy" status between Apple and Microsoft, 5 years after that union.
In any case, I'd like to see it. Could be just as interesting as the first one, if done right.
So let's mull that over.

Also, feel free to play casting director. Assume Wyle and Michael-Hall would return (but hey, maybe not?). Who would you like to see play some of the principles:
Jobs, Gates, Balmer, Schiller, Ives, Goldblum, etc.?

Don't have to be huge, name stars. Dig deep into the realm of television, stage, commercials, etc.
This is Mark Grant, local San Diego Padres color commentator on channel 4 (and former Padres pitcher himself).
With a few sweat stains and a couple dozen cups of coffee, he could probably pull off a convincing Steve Ballmer.
<strong>Okay, I found Ballmer:
This is Mark Grant, local San Diego Padres color commentator on channel 4 (and former Padres pitcher himself).
With a few sweat stains and a couple dozen cups of coffee, he could probably pull off a convincing Steve Ballmer.</strong><hr></blockquote>
<img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" /> <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" /> <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" />
Developers! Developers! Developers! Who said sit down?!!!!
Its kinda funny how IBM was the "enemy" and now they might be the savior....
Anywho back to Pirates, how come TNT (or was it TBS?) doesn't show it anymore?
Analog (Twitch, shiver).
[ 08-19-2002: Message edited by: Crusader ]
[ 08-19-2002: Message edited by: Crusader ]</p>
<strong>Anywho back to Pirates, how come TNT (or was it TBS?) doesn't show it anymore?</strong><hr></blockquote>
You know, I was thinking that as well. I mean, they'll show Die Hard or Tremors or one of those idiot Grisham movies ("The Firm", "The Client", etc.) 34 times a week, but they won't play this movie, except maybe once a year at 2:30am on a Wednesday.
Alice, were you referring to my initial post? And are you being serious or sarcastic?
Sorry, but around this place, a fella can't tell sometimes!
If you were referring to my "sequel" idea and WERE serious, thank you.
<strong>they cant ahve a sequel until we reach another milestone to end the movie on... i mean short of apple truming Msft or going out of buisness.. how COULD you end the movie??</strong><hr></blockquote>
this is true
It's the official "end all, be all" OS for Apple and what the next decade or so will be built on.
I don't know...I'm asking.
The movie could end with OS X (a year from now) REALLY hitting its stride and being hailed as THE OS to use. That and Microsoft and Apple parting ways, BUT Apple actually being better for it.
The movie could have a bit of a pro-Apple lean to it.
Everybody clones ibm, ms runs on them.
apple and ms gradually add features.
ms starts eyeing the enterprise market.
apple releases the imac and colored plastic is a now a feature.
Competitors and states sue ms, little comes out of it.
apple gets a modern OS.
Wow, an industry that goes through 'changes'! But you can only understand WTH going on if you know the difference between an application and an operating system. Well there goes 70% of the public. Maybe if they throw in the popularization of the internet, linux/OSS, convergence attempts, hacking/cybercrime, etc. They can gloss over all the technical details and still have enough content to fill 2 hours.