Need to buy a cheap printer...
Hey, I just realised that i should be buying a new printer soon... and i was wondering if you guys had any buying advice, or opinions about certain models/makers...
I don't have much money to spend, so right now i'm looking at either a Lexmark Z25 inkjet (40$ canadian after rebate) or a Lexmark Z45 (about 100$). There is a canon S300 bubblejet for 80$... but i don't know which to buy. Anyone have any opinions? Thanks
I don't have much money to spend, so right now i'm looking at either a Lexmark Z25 inkjet (40$ canadian after rebate) or a Lexmark Z45 (about 100$). There is a canon S300 bubblejet for 80$... but i don't know which to buy. Anyone have any opinions? Thanks
Do you really need color, if not, how about a laser printer?
Inkjet printers may sound cheap, but they are truly so expensive compared to laser printers. A laser printer may cost $250, but it's catridge will last 10-15X longer than an inket.
<a href="" target="_blank">link to good laser</a>. There ya go. Under $199 and I bet if you go to the store you could get it for cheaper. Also if you do need a color printer try Epson. Great brand.
[ 08-21-2002: Message edited by: wolfeye155 ]</p>