Petition for Mac Pro 2013 with GPU problems (GPU D300 D500 D700)
The Mac Pro 2013 have many manufacturing problems with the GPU’s (D300 D500 D700).èmes-de-gpu-et-logic-board
This petition has been created to make things change, and to make Apple do something about the problems associated with these machines made for professionals.
Despite what Apple says, all the GPU’s are concerned by these manufacturing issues. However, since the problems have been observed, a single repair program have been created, only for the D500 and D700.
I myself have a Mac Pro 2013 with two D300 and frequent freezing issues of the machine, which force me to do a reboot or even sometimes a hard reboot.
Of course, the professionnal using here becomes difficult.
After a long fight with an Apple Store located in the north of France, sending every week emails with the GPU’s crash logs, and many long telephone conversations with Apple support, I didn’t get a positive answer.
Online discussion threads have been created on some websites well known by the Apple addicts, and also on Apple forums where we can note many problems about the GPU’s and the logic boards of those machines.
I thank you for reading this, and if you encounter the same problems I have, you are welcome to join the petition.èmes-de-gpu-et-logic-board
This petition has been created to make things change, and to make Apple do something about the problems associated with these machines made for professionals.
Despite what Apple says, all the GPU’s are concerned by these manufacturing issues. However, since the problems have been observed, a single repair program have been created, only for the D500 and D700.
I myself have a Mac Pro 2013 with two D300 and frequent freezing issues of the machine, which force me to do a reboot or even sometimes a hard reboot.
Of course, the professionnal using here becomes difficult.
After a long fight with an Apple Store located in the north of France, sending every week emails with the GPU’s crash logs, and many long telephone conversations with Apple support, I didn’t get a positive answer.
Online discussion threads have been created on some websites well known by the Apple addicts, and also on Apple forums where we can note many problems about the GPU’s and the logic boards of those machines.
I thank you for reading this, and if you encounter the same problems I have, you are welcome to join the petition.