I don't know any thing because I am a Mac user!! Well that's what my friend thinks.

in General Discussion edited January 2014
Here?s a little story to show you how biased Wintel users are. All right it was about 4:30am my friend for some reason starts talking about Linux and than I started talking a little bit about Mac OSX being Unix based. Ok? two seconds later he starts going off saying OSX will never be what red hate can be and why would any one want to pay for an OS when they can get it for free. I started listing the reasons why I use Mac and he interrupted me on every thing I listed saying that is stupid.

He used to be a DSL tech at the same place I used to work and he?s like you can?t tell me I don?t know Macs I did Mac DSL support I was like big deal, and than he goes on to say the people that call in on Macs are the dumbest people that we get on the line. I was like and your point is? I went on to say you are getting calls from people that don?t know the first thing about Broadband or do they know how to configure it on the systems that doesn?t mean they don?t know nothing? he than went on to say I don?t know jack about computers. I used a Wintel machine for over 10 years when he has only being using one for about 4 years. He has one desktop that can?t run any OS with out freezing and his 1ghz p3 laptop the same one I used to own runs like it?s only 200mhz. He says his Laptop runs the way he wants it to. I was like yeah ok. He than asks me how many times I formatted my 1ghz p3 laptop and it was about every 3 months and he tried to use that as a point to I obviously don?t know jack.

He now thinks he is going to be some super hacker just because he bought the Linux bible and he feels Red Hat is the best thing you can buy. I could care less if he thinks it?s the best. Every one has their own OS that they like. But this shows you how PC users will jump on your case quicker than any thing just because you are a Mac user and Proud of it.

But than again I am the stupid one according to him and I don?t know any thing. I?m also attending college for my MCSE and other computer related stuff and he once again went off saying you should learn Linux and get Linux certified. He feels with his AA Degree and him going and getting Linux certified he would have a 1000% chance of getting the same job I am applying for. He feels he will be able to go in to any Admin job and say well you need to switch all your stuff over to Linux because it is better. I told him you have a 99.99% chance of it not happening because TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) over rules it. No company is going to want to spend a million on new hardware along with retraining all of its staff when they can have a Perfectly Secure Networking running other stuff that they already know and run. He than again said Mac is worthless for running servers and business based stuff but than again that shows how much he knows. You have to love those PC users J.

Has any one else had a similar experiences like that??? Share it!!!


  • Reply 1 of 22
    leonisleonis Posts: 3,427member
    Actually Linux has a brighter future than Windows.....in the enterprise area.

    Look at the recent security flaws with Win2K and XP.........even the head programmers in MS have no clue on how to solve the problems....scary.
  • Reply 2 of 22
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    Look there's no use in argueing with this guy. It's obvious he doesn't know shiza about what he's talking about.

    The ISP that "I" worked for had more Red Hat servers from our customers cracked than any. God it was funny to here them call up and scream "why'd you shutdown my connection?" and we'd say "get the Code Red Virus off your box and we will" bozo's. If you're going to run a Server at least know how to secure it.
  • Reply 3 of 22
    ISP where I work is same. Seems that PC idiots abound. (but then again that isn't telling you anything you didn't already know). I just hope that they one day wake up and say what I have said for years....

    "God... Apple is cool."

    ...and then that will be that. Because...jebus... there just isn't much that's cooler then Mac. It's like the ultimate cool point magnet. You get chicks, you get chik geeky friends, and you get SJ, and you get OS X, and you get iApps. Hell, I don't know what else Apple could do to win my loyal worship forver unless though bought acura and started making the cars I drive also. I'd love to replace my NSX with an Apple iRaceCar.
  • Reply 4 of 22
    [quote]Originally posted by Leonis:

    <strong>Actually Linux has a brighter future than Windows.....in the enterprise area.

    Look at the recent security flaws with Win2K and XP.........even the head programmers in MS have no clue on how to solve the problems....scary.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I know that Linux has a brighter future in that sense, if you would properly secure and update your network like any good admin should than you wouldn't have had as many problems... I'm not saying that Mac is better than Linux I was just stating my friend is dumb to think he has an advantage over me because he doesn't use mac and he prefers linux. By the way he doesn't have it installed on any of his systems because he can't figure it out. He just pissed me off that he would take a low blow like that I didn't even attempt to talk to him about it because he was so worked up over it. at least I am happy with what I am running and don't feel like I have to run some thing else. I'm using MCSE at my local college to give me some thing to grow on and learn from so I can move towards new things this is just going to help me get my start. With all the recent hits that networks have been getting it just shows you how much the current admins know about running a secure network, granted we have plenty of secure networks like .Mac but I guess you are going to get a bad admin here and there.

    I also for got to say a few more things this same kids runs lines from the Movie anti trust saying his new name is Milo and that he is going to create some thing like N.U.R.V. did in the movie i was like please now I know your a joke, plus he thinks the government is after him LOL... any way that is all I am going to say I get all worked up thinking about that night and how he was way out of line. <img src="graemlins/oyvey.gif" border="0" alt="[No]" /> <img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" />

    [ 09-07-2002: Message edited by: BrianMacOS ]

    [ 09-07-2002: Message edited by: BrianMacOS ]</p>
  • Reply 5 of 22
    powerdocpowerdoc Posts: 8,123member
    The reason why people asking for support are the dumbest people of the world is simple : with a normal knowledge you are able to solve nearly any problems encountered in a Mac. The one who ask support are basically beginners or people allergic to computers.

    I have run my office alone without any ouside helps (except for correcting bugs of my office Software : hypermed TM based on 4D) since 4 years. That's why even if i consider to buy a PC for christmas to my kids, i will never buy a PC for my office.

    And at least concerning computers, your friend does not seem to be open-minded ...
  • Reply 6 of 22
    giaguaragiaguara Posts: 2,724member
    I argued two days ago with a Windows (and Linux and Sun) using computer engineer friend... Well i am basically switching his slowly, he says "so much hated macs are not so bad with the unix base... actually they are quite interesting.." so the next thing he'll be saying is "my next could be a mac.."

    Windows sucks.

    Now that i don't use it anymore i've had to format 10 compus running windows. <img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" />

    Well not gonna touch XP unless i die otherwise... Which i don't

    Any time a Windows running twat tries to tell me something that i don't understand anything about computers just because i use a mac... the computers for them are only pcs.. ahaha.. so, either i start to talk to them about their luvly winzoz computers untill they notice they don't understand a .SIT

    ...or i start talking about Linux

    Now, Linux's cool... Just one thing prevents it from becoming popular: it's not easy enough and for anything you need to search the right drivers blabla.. ... well, i had a windows running laptop as well but i got tiiireeeeed about formatting it all the time and installing all the stuff again.. so, it runs RedHat.. Haha! Well most mac guys i know don't know a lot about the linux so most of them keep quiet too ...

    Gee! My ex complained i was too nerd..

    One thing i don't like: if i buy a Laptop... the only way to avoid having and paying for Winzoz is getting a Mac.. some of the pc laptops could be nice but if you want Linux on them $£&%$ for Gates
  • Reply 7 of 22
    overhopeoverhope Posts: 1,123member
    A good friend of mine runs Macs for his Avid editing suite in a major advertising house, yet he still calls me for tech support because the Windows-trained goons the company employs to run the IS side can't actually fix anything that goes wrong on any of the Macs...

    Pure Macophobia.
  • Reply 8 of 22
    der kopfder kopf Posts: 2,275member
    Discussing how much shit Windows is with somebody who uses a PC, that's truly one of the worst things in life. I think if there is to be a third World War, it'll be because Bush wants to push his PC (I like to think of Bush as a PC user) to mac-addicted Putin, and vice versa.

    It has been going on since the eighties, with Windows stealing Mac's GUI ideas, into the nineties (I remember discussing an hour in class with my religion teacher - a then IBM craze - , dear God!!!).

    And now, it has become so tough, I think there is so many ignorance about this subject, and especially since I never really hung out with techie friends (studied literature actually), people are like, 'oh, you like this game, copy out - knowing I have a mac and all, still not realising an exe has only one place on my macs: IN THE TRASH (or in VPC, if I really need it).

    Even my sister nowadays, she's quite stubborn and can't deal with being wrong, she's going: 'I heard that Mac is bullshit and badly made and too expensive and all', and you just know that's some friend of her's told her and she believes him more than she believes me, so I have to bite my fist off for not beginning that discussion because I just know it will be a catastrophe. How do you change someone's mind in this Windows-ridden world? So I don't and she'll very likely switch to PC ("because Mac is just not user friendly!!!", is she in for a treat!).

    I truly hate discussing my liking for Mac, I just silently use it and enjoy it.
  • Reply 9 of 22
    Ok, Linux and OS X are both based on Free UNIX.

    If I'm setting up a server I'm not going to pay $120-500 for a GUI.

    For a destop it's a different story. GUI=Good. Did you bother to tell this guy that you can use Linux on a make if you like GNOME/KDE more than Aqua.

    There are pos and cons to x86/PPC and Mac/Windows/Linux debates. It sounds to me like neither of know what these points. To me anyone who can't do that dosn't know what they are talking about.
  • Reply 10 of 22
    [quote]Originally posted by smithjoel:

    <strong>Ok, Linux and OS X are both based on Free UNIX.

    If I'm setting up a server I'm not going to pay $120-500 for a GUI.

    For a destop it's a different story. GUI=Good. Did you bother to tell this guy that you can use Linux on a make if you like GNOME/KDE more than Aqua.

    There are pos and cons to x86/PPC and Mac/Windows/Linux debates. It sounds to me like neither of know what these points. To me anyone who can't do that dosn't know what they are talking about.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I went over many of these points with him and I understand you not wanting to run a gui for a server but he says the macs can't do it and I was saying yes they could... I know what they can and can't do and I went over many things with him. I was only able to get in about 5 mins of talking over his 3hrs of yelling out his points. I don't claim to know every thing but I know enough to get me by. I used a Windows machine for 10 years or longer, I did programming, built many computers plus I overclocked and did many other things and it's to the point in my life where I just want to be able to use it and enjoy it. Not know the ins and outs, because than it becomes a job @ home.

    [ 09-08-2002: Message edited by: BrianMacOS ]</p>
  • Reply 11 of 22
    stoostoo Posts: 1,490member
    My experiences with Linux are not so good:
    • nVidia TNT: hardware accelerated drivers from nVidia (yay!), but bomb my X server (boo!) and are closed source (boo!)

    • ATi Radeon All-In-Wonder: hardware acceleration doesn't work because PCI Radeons are not supported, so no 3D or TV input. Nowhere in the "documentation" does it state this. Locating relevant source code tricky.

    • Default X server is now twm, the turquoise window manager. Messing with configs doesn't change it.

    • In my experience, K apps are unstable. K's advanced editor ate half of my thesis 24 hours before the hand in date. (Advanced editor bombs -&gt; thesis halves in size. Just as well I had backups.)

    I fell much better now.
  • Reply 12 of 22
    alcimedesalcimedes Posts: 5,486member
    [quote](I like to think of Bush as a PC user)<hr></blockquote>

    actually, the only computers he's ever been seen using are Macs.
  • Reply 13 of 22
    torifiletorifile Posts: 4,024member
    [quote]Originally posted by BrianMacOS:


    I went over many of these points with him and I understand you not wanting to run a gui for a server but he says the macs can't do it and I was saying yes they could... I know what they can and can't do and I went over many things with him. I was only able to get in about 5 mins of talking over his 3hrs of yelling out his points. I don't claim to know every thing but I know enough to get me by. I used a Windows machine for 10 years or longer, I did programming, built many computers plus I overclocked and did many other things and it's to the point in my life where I just want to be able to use it and enjoy it. Not know the ins and outs, because than it becomes a job @ home.

    [ 09-08-2002: Message edited by: BrianMacOS ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Wow. Could you learn to use punctuation? Please.
  • Reply 14 of 22
    der kopfder kopf Posts: 2,275member
    [quote] quote:


    (I like to think of Bush as a PC user)


    actually, the only computers he's ever been seen using are Macs. <hr></blockquote>

    My god, does Jobs know this? Do they smoke their stuff together?
  • Reply 15 of 22
    progmacprogmac Posts: 1,850member
    If this guy was really a cool hacker dude who knew all kinds of things about computers and thinks linux is the best in the west, he would not be using Red Hat. People who are serious about the internals of linux and truly know what they are doing use non-commercialized such as Debian. Redhat is fine and it has its place---easy to install, fancy configuration out of the box. Slackware, Debian and other distros are more time consuming to configure/set up, but this allows a great amount of flexibility, etc. I'm not saying one is necessarily better, but if he were a true hacker dude who spends hours configuring and learning linux, he would NOT be using red hat.
  • Reply 16 of 22
    [quote]Originally posted by progmac:

    <strong>If this guy was really a cool hacker dude who knew all kinds of things about computers and thinks linux is the best in the west, he would not be using Red Hat. People who are serious about the internals of linux and truly know what they are doing use non-commercialized such as Debian. Redhat is fine and it has its place---easy to install, fancy configuration out of the box. Slackware, Debian and other distros are more time consuming to configure/set up, but this allows a great amount of flexibility, etc. I'm not saying one is necessarily better, but if he were a true hacker dude who spends hours configuring and learning linux, he would NOT be using red hat.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    i should think hackers tend toward fsf (maybe thats just me), and therefore use gnu/linux, or gnu/darwin (gotta luv apple). now that methinks aboot it, true hackers write their own OS. (thuh Freak aspires to b tru some day, and has now decided to write "FreakyOS --the OS like no other... except in general functionality". FreakyOS is due out when its done.)
  • Reply 17 of 22
    [quote]Originally posted by torifile:


    Wow. Could you learn to use punctuation? Please. </strong><hr></blockquote>

    lol sorry I didn't read over it after I got done. I was on my way out the door when I typed it up.


    I agree with you totally. This kid is a good example of a personal computer user, he uses all standard apps like MS Office ect, but also uses stuff like Photoshop, Cake Walk Pro.... now you can get some programs that are like Photoshop but nothing to the extent that PS is currently. This kid makes me laugh every time I think about it now. Refering to the movie antitrust like he knows enough to comprehend what they are doing right down to the bone. He refers to him self also as Milo which is real funny you are gifted if you can program like him. Even if you can program like Milo you would also have to be able to design it and know how it works which in most cases if you can do some major programming like that you can. Any way back to the point I don't see Linux working for him as an everyday OS like OSX can for me, but he doesn't see it like that. I will always use OSX as my Unix flavor and never actually use a stand alone Linux box unless in the furture Linux has a full line of Apps out that I will use. But than again I am a mac user because I like the design and functionality.

    [ 09-09-2002: Message edited by: BrianMacOS ]</p>
  • Reply 18 of 22
    ibrowseibrowse Posts: 1,749member
    When someone I know tells me to test a site they made, I'll find a problem with it and they'll tell me the problem doesn't exist, "it must be the mac" is all i hear. I tell them to let me try it in more browers, and it all works in everything but IE. They never accept that maybe MS messed up. If there's one bug in any program I have it's always well, it IS a Mac..., but when my PC friend goes to show me a 10 second movie clip he found or a song he got and his computer randomly gets a Blue Screen or opens some kind of Wizard and craches itself, I can never get away with "Well that's what you get for running Windows, dick.".
  • Reply 19 of 22
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    <a href="http://maccentral.macworld.com/news/0205/28.xserve.php"; target="_blank">http://maccentral.macworld.com/news/0205/28.xserve.php</a>;

    [quote] GUI on a server

    Last week an online article quoted an IT manager that was not impressed with Apple's use of the Aqua interface in a server, saying, "Sys admins are not impressed by screen candy." He went on to say that "at best, they consume machine resources that could be going towards useful work. At worst, they get in the way."

    If, by chance, you took these comments at face value and agreed that the Graphical User Interface (GUI) included with Mac OS X Server simply got in way, consider this: the Xserve is meant to run headless, so unless you specifically set out to access the GUI, you will never see it.

    "The server runs headless, so the GUI is on the client, not the server -- what you're getting from the server is XML data over a secure connection," said Schiller. "Until you access the server through an attached VGA terminal and use the Aqua interface, it uses no CPU cycles at all because we have a modern operating system."


    Yawn what was this bozo saying again.
  • Reply 20 of 22
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    Yeah, I get that on a regular basis.

    "Well, as a Mac user, you don't understand what computers are *really* like... so, what do you do?"

    "I'm finishing up my PhD dissertation in computer science at the University of North Carolina."

    ".... oh."
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