There goes 3 hours of my life
Sorry right now I just have to rant and let my feelings out.
Tonight I just reinstalled Win2k Server. Everything went fine until I started to think
"geez there have been alot of security issues. I'd better update everything to be current"
So I download a few small updates and then Windows Service Pack 3 which took 2hrs to download on a Cable Modem even.
SP3 is a steaming pile of Horse Sh**. My Gawd I guess that's what I get for trusting freaking Microsoft.
My computer boots extra slow now. I cannot use Windows Update because when I attempt to download a file the computer basically becomes unresponsive and the mouse becomes erratic and unusable. I really wish I had checked Microsoft's support Usenet ...because then I would have seen the legions of users with problems with SP3.
Is this really the best Microsoft can do? Introduce Bug fixes that create new HUGE bugs?
There is no hope for the future of computer if a company like Microsoft can crush the competion with the level of crap they put out. end rant.
Tonight I just reinstalled Win2k Server. Everything went fine until I started to think
"geez there have been alot of security issues. I'd better update everything to be current"
So I download a few small updates and then Windows Service Pack 3 which took 2hrs to download on a Cable Modem even.
SP3 is a steaming pile of Horse Sh**. My Gawd I guess that's what I get for trusting freaking Microsoft.
My computer boots extra slow now. I cannot use Windows Update because when I attempt to download a file the computer basically becomes unresponsive and the mouse becomes erratic and unusable. I really wish I had checked Microsoft's support Usenet ...because then I would have seen the legions of users with problems with SP3.
Is this really the best Microsoft can do? Introduce Bug fixes that create new HUGE bugs?
There is no hope for the future of computer if a company like Microsoft can crush the competion with the level of crap they put out. end rant.
[ 09-17-2002: Message edited by: BrianMacOS ]</p>
Also - one thing about service packs... You never know when you'll need them again, so it's usually a good idea (if possible for you) to dowload it once, then burn it to cd so you don't have to go through all of that again.
If you have specific questions, message boards can be extremely helpful in getting things going. I don't check these boards too often, but if you have a question, I may be able to help as well.
<strong>that's really weird. I've set up 5 Win2k Servers (2 of which run advanced server) in the past few months. I've also updated 40 machines to sp3 without any hitches. Is there anything "special" about your install that you might consider to be out of the ordinary?
Also - one thing about service packs... You never know when you'll need them again, so it's usually a good idea (if possible for you) to dowload it once, then burn it to cd so you don't have to go through all of that again.
If you have specific questions, message boards can be extremely helpful in getting things going. I don't check these boards too often, but if you have a question, I may be able to help as well.
Thanks. I've identified that it's not SP3. I reinstalled since I had no 3rd party apps anyways and it did the same thing so I'm eating crow on that one.
The weird thing is that it is triggered by something Browser related possibly. My mouse cursor works fine until I hit something in a site that just scrambles everything. I looked to update my Bios for my Asus CUSL2 MB but Asus' site was whacked. I thought it might be the Kensington Mouse driver but the same thing happened with a Logitech mouse on PS2. I'll keep whackin' at it to see what's going on. It's really strange though because the system just grinds to a halt and even the Task Manager is difficult to pull up to see what's causing the slowness.
I don' think I have much that's out of the ordinary. 3com nic, SBlive, old 3dfx Vid that works fine under Win2k Desktop.
I'll be glad when I get things working though.
I don' think I have much that's out of the ordinary. 3com nic, SBlive, old 3dfx Vid that works fine under Win2k Desktop.
Why are you running Win2k Server?
Hey if you worked a little bit on that sentence it could be a killer Apple commercial.
Why are you running Win2k Server?</strong><hr></blockquote>
I'm trying to get into Net Administration. Learning Windows puts me on an equal plane with the other MCSE shills but my hope is to bounce over to learning Unix so OSX is really going to help. I want to investigate getting an ACTC also.
Last year I bought an extra computer as a hobby box. It was the best $100 I spent on computer epuipment in a long time(mostly becasue it had a 3com NIC, the parell processing kind -- a $50 value). But any way it has save me countless hours when tring a new OS(linux for me). You don't have to worry about backups and you still have your regular computer when it's down.
Can you verify that if you don't use the browser, then everything's ok? What about using NS or Opera...? I'll fully admit, I'm kinda at a loss here, and the arstechnica people would probably be more helpful.
One last quick question - have you dcpromo'd it to be an Active Directory Domain Controler, or is it sitting as a stand-alone server?
I haven't yet enabled AD. I want to but I want to fix this litle issue. You know it's something in a Browser that seems to trigger it. If I'm just clicking through the system it's fine. The problem exists in both IE and Netscape. Could this be some sort of javascript error? It's just strange becaue the mouse cursor just goes wild and loses all tracking..I move the mouse right..the cursor goes left. It's a nightmare.
<img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" />
i used windows...
you could have chosen to install any other server.. a linux for example. ..
<img src="graemlins/hmmm.gif" border="0" alt="[Hmmm]" />
[ 09-18-2002: Message edited by: Mulattabianca ]</p>