ok ok, my dramatic subject name was just to draw you in, i'm sorry...but i have an important question about what will happen when Steve Jobs has to leave Apple?
What are we gonna do?
Steve is one of the main factors of apple...perhaps THE main factor
The only option i see is hopefully he can hang on a couple more yrs, and i'll replace him.
What are we gonna do?
Steve is one of the main factors of apple...perhaps THE main factor
The only option i see is hopefully he can hang on a couple more yrs, and i'll replace him.
In short. I'll assume the position. I come cheap too because I don't need a Jet.
[ 09-17-2002: Message edited by: Kecksy ]</p>
The only one I can think of is J. Lo.
apple would just be a fruit right now if he hadnt returned.
steve is the life blood of the company. when he does leave he will either 1. have to have the company so well off into the industry that even a complete idiot couldnt bankrupt them. or 2. he'll have to clone himself and raise teh clone to be just like him and have the clone replace him when he retires.
Conversely, Microsoft has positioned itself (over the years) to be able to function at the same capacity it does today regardless of whether Bill Gates is working there or not. Microsoft has a MAJORITY market share of the x86 market. It has invested heavily in multimedia, networking, and hardware peripheral markets, and has such a great foothold that not even a Federal Government breakup could stunt its growth. (which is why its stock is so very valuable)
Adding to Apple's woes are:
Lack of Software Roadmap
Apple continally states that they want to be the center of the digital hub. But they don't say HOW. They point to OSX. They point to other previously-released products (iTunes, iChat, etc.). Will there be more "i" applications? If so, how many? When will they be here? Is there a point at which the "digital hub" will cease to expand? What's the 1-year software strategy? The 5-year? 10-year?
Lack of Hardware Roadmap
Again, Apple is notorious for being vague when it comes to their hardware plans for the future. There has been no mention of WHICH member of AIM their next processor will be produced by. There has been no mention of WHEN it will be produced. There have been no status updates on HOW Motorola is overcoming the inherent speed gaps in the G4. All of these unknowns add up to lack of investor confidence.
Who is the Customer?
Apple implies that it caters to the home consumer who uses digital applications. It also implies that it is the computer of choice for graphics professionals. Somewhere else, it seeks to become the perfect classroom computer. Further down the line, it beckons to be used in a corporate environment where its PC networking capabilities can shine.
To the casual observer, it would seem that Apple targets its products toward "pockets" of users. Contrast this with Microsoft's target market: every x86-based computer on the market. Intel's market: every x86-based computer on the market. Very simple. Very concise. Confidence-building.
Final Thoughts
Steve Jobs has said that he wants Apple to increase its market share. In that pursuit, I wish him the best of luck. As an Apple USER and INVESTOR, I would very much like to see 10% of the market.
But I do not see how Mr. Jobs can accomplish this by producing a fine Operating System, alone.
Humbly submitted,
I like roadmaps. If you say you don't like roadmaps, quit reading future hardwar and any rumor site.