Hard drive buying advice

in General Discussion edited January 2014
I have a Powerbook G4 667mhz DVI/ 768mb which I couldn't be happier with, but my external VST 3GB thin firewire drive is too small for backups now. My question is, should I buy a new internal drive for my powerbook and swap the stock Apple drive into the VST or should I buy another totally seperate Firewire drive? Will I see any improvement in speed if I update the powerbook drive to an IBM 40GNX? Also, If I buy an external 3.5" 7200rpm firewire drive will it be faster than say my internal drive (4200rpm)?

Also, money is a big factor, so the cheaper the better.

Thanks in advance. AI is a great source of valuable info.

BTW, is it possible to boot from a firewire drive in OS X?


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