HOW TO: make address bar icons for Netscape/Mozilla

in General Discussion edited January 2014
If you're using Netscape 7.0 or one of the Mozilla flavors you may have wondered how they get that tiny icon in the address field. Well, I did anyway.

Here's the code you need, as taken from the website. I don't know if you MUST use a PNG image, but some simple tests would sort that out quickly. I don't live/breathe/eat/sleep HTML up-to-date standards and learn stuff in occasional surges. That's what this is.

Anyway, I hope this helps somebody.

<link REL="icon" HREF="../../images/mozilla-16.png" TYPE="image/png">

And just for fun, this is the icon that gets called up every time. If figure linking to it here won't kill Mozilla since this thread will fade in a week.

Code-monkies feel free to make additional comments!

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