New HW Codenames? (not ButtHeadAstronomer)

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014

seeking NDA-safe revelations.

while i'm pretty sure the final MWNY script is subject to Steve's edits (and possibly juggled HW if demo's aren't bulletproof ... precedent for bumped gear exists), there are some pieces of the development puzzle we don't know, yet knowing them _ought_ not to violate confidentiality.

specifically... the development names for hardware

(pismo, blackbird, crusader, etc... and of course Sagan - sorry, BHA) are traditionally not covered by non-disclosure since knowledge of the project codename isn't usually protected like specs.

<a href=""; target="_blank"></a> used to have a list of codenames linked to the various model designations (some shipped, some died on the vine), but it's not current anymore.

i doubt we'll see official leaks on HW (job suicide) but perhaps some kind Apple birds might tell us some of the development HW codenames so that we can spend the next week speculating about the hidden meaning of gear that might be called

for example (maybe):
  • Kubrick - film/video tweaked Pro tower that loves chess

  • Latkagravis - awkwardly-angled new LCD iMac in greasy beige coverall case

  • Bullwinkle - new portable (widescreen horns design) that flies like squirrel and will always trounce the Nogoodniks

[note: after Carl's lawsuit, i think Apple practice has been to pick generic nouns or dead folks whose estates don't maintain flocks of lawyers... doubt any are called JohnnyCochrane, and please don't tell us the 2GHz Dual Superdrive TiBook is called Osama... very bad sign]

so... let's not hypothesize over random numbers, somebody on the inside please feed us some cool copy in the form of confirmed codenames

puzzlin to pass the time <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" />

[ 07-09-2002: Message edited for spelling by: curiousuburb ]

[ 07-09-2002: Message edited by: curiousuburb ]</p>
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