Foxconn Reportedly Bidding For Toshiba Chip Business

in AAPL Investors
Apparently, Apple's biggest supplier for assembly is finally making their move and getting into the chip business, which could be a very smart move for them as Apple attempts to pull away from Samsung more and more.


  • Reply 1 of 1
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    I'm guessing AAPL is currently up 1% this morning based on this news? The stock really jumped.

    After Congress passes tax reform and the bill to facilitate the repatriation of overseas corporate money things are really going to explode. If you're not in AAPL now, may the gods keep and protect you.

    UPDATE:  As of this moment, AAPL just flew past $139. Incredible!
    edited March 2017
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