Is voice recognition in Apple's future?
I haven't heard much on this front lately. Has everyone including Apple abandoned this technology?
The hype these days seem to be tablets (MS' upcoming tablet next month).
I've always believed that this would be a technology would pursue or explore, given their penchant for user interfaces.
Afterall, text input and finding a document would be much faster than using a stylus.
The hype these days seem to be tablets (MS' upcoming tablet next month).
I've always believed that this would be a technology would pursue or explore, given their penchant for user interfaces.
Afterall, text input and finding a document would be much faster than using a stylus.
<strong>SJ mentioned at the last developer conference that they were looking for voice technology..not sure if he meant speach to text or text to speech..or both...atnt I believe as the best test to can go check it out on their site...</strong><hr></blockquote>
Jobs is looking for something like AT&T's Natural Voices.
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
Pretty neat. Much better than Victoria. Or Pipe Organ.
We'll see this, or something like this, in 10.3 I bet.
Moving to General Discussion.
[ 10-25-2002: Message edited by: Brad ]</p>
Upon arriving at the office, I plug in the iPod, download the files, which are automatically converted to text and thrown nito AppleWorks.
Is that too much to ask? :cool:
but it would be nice, yes.
<just kiddin´>
i´m sorry to imply, but Apple sells Computers also to countries, where american english is NOT the native tongue...-
over here i'm still waiting for the german version of ibm via voice for MacOsX... they said it works terrific (in english), they said the 9.0 version (in german) was very good...- but you can´t use it in classic env.-
spoken word output is nice, but i think just for handicappped persons or for reading out long texts, like books etc.-
spoken INPUT would be a killer iApp for those of us, who like to write long copy without the ability of 10fingers blind...- believe or not: there are MANY people in the 21.cent. who didn't learn this skill.-
but, again: as a typical Apple iApp, Steve J. need it in English, Japanese, French, German, Spanish - just to mention the languages of the big Apple markets.-
i think, until 3rd party vendors don't jump on this train, we will never see it...-
a pitty.
That may be possible with the new version of ViaVoice-it definitely would be if you played the recorded dictations to it.
Apple should be working and it appears they are, in a small degree. I tell you that I could use this everyday. It would change the way I wrote software that's for sure.
I have givin alot of thought about writing a piece of software to demonstrate its power. I don't have the experience in Voice Recognition, but to me its the next greatest thing in computers.
There are other Speech alternatives on the Mac. Check out <a href="" target="_blank"></a> for iListen.
Other languages such as German, French, Dutch you can get from <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
Only Dragon do this stuff right.