eMac, iMac or iBook?

in General Discussion edited January 2014
I'm a wannabe Switcher (once a Mac owner who went over to Windows machines in 1995) who is thinking about buying either an eMac, iMac or an iBook. I would use the machine primarily for writing, websurfing including online audio and video, digital cameras, MP3s, reference tools (like Britannica or World Book), limited gaming, and DVD-watching. The SuperDrive on the eMac and iMac appeals to me for the ability 1) to make massive data backups; 2) to produce my own video (if at some point I buy a digital video camera). However, I'm also concerned about portability...I have moved quite a lot the last few years and am not keen on buying something large that is not easily moved. I am also keen to get the best OS X experience I can--it is one of the main reasons I'm thinking about switching back, other than the sheer beauty and coolness of Apple hardware--and as I have read some negative comments about how OS X runs on iBooks, I would like to hear people's views on the relative performance of OS X on eMacs, iMacs and iBooks.

What I'm looking for are recommendations from others...which would be the best choice for me to make? Any ideas are much appreciated! Thanks in advance!

[ 11-05-2002: Message edited by: macramedia ]</p>


  • Reply 1 of 3
    majormattmajormatt Posts: 1,077member
    The Mac would be perfect for you!

    I have a G4/400 which is about two years old now and it just runs OSX dandy. I have no complaints. An iMac or eMac would have an 700Mhz or 800Mhz G4 chip, being twice as fast as my computer.

    New iBooks should be coming out tommorow starting at $999 @ 700MHz. From what you describe, you dont really need a G4 because the applications so described arnt optomized for the G4 anyway.

    OSX is still a little slower than OS9, but I would never go back to OS9. Let alone touch a Windows PC.
  • Reply 2 of 3
    rodukroduk Posts: 706member
    [quote]Originally posted by macramedia:

    <strong>However, I'm also concerned about portability...I have moved quite a lot the last few years and am not keen on buying something large that is not easily moved.


    It seems a little unusual you mention portability is important because you move home quite often. I wonder how much of an issue this is, and whether it's the weight, size or setting up that concerns you. I'd say both the eMac and iMac are easily moved in the sense that they're both all-in-ones, simply unplug the keyboard/mouse and off you go. I guess the iMac is the more portable of the two in that it can easily be picked up by its neck, where as the eMac weighs 50 pounds.

    It seems a shame to sacrifice some performance and buy an iBook, if the 'only' reason for doing so is because you may move home again in the future.

    [ 11-05-2002: Message edited by: RodUK ]</p>
  • Reply 3 of 3
    thegeldingthegelding Posts: 3,230member
    if you are gonna move it a couple of times a day, get the iBook...if you are gonna move it everyday or two from one room to another, get an iBook or maybe the iMac lcd (it moves nicely, though nothing like the iBook)....if you are gonna move it every few weeks or months, get the iMac LCD (the G4 is nice, and the superdrive is sweet)...if you are gonna move it once or twice a year get the iMac or eMac.....g
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