ibook buying advice

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in General Discussion edited January 2014
I need some help. I really want to buy a new mac and am torn between a new pb and an ibook. I (like everyone else) immediately wanted to but the new superdrive pb. However, the fact that its 1x and that I will probably not burn too many dvds has shifted my attention to an ibook(not to mention the new nice price). So, if I bought an ibook and decided that I want to make dvds, could I use dvdstudio pro and a 3rd party dvd burner? What is your advice. I am concerned that the G3 is a bit slow (any idea when G4 ibooks will come out) but I like the tiny size. I will probably use the ibook for music, pictures, and hopefully a bit of movie editing (can fcp3 run at a usable speed on the ibook?) please let me have some feedback. Thank you
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