Apple opens iTunes donations to SPLC

in General Discussion
Supporting the SPLC is madness when they have added Ayan Hirsi Ali (former Muslim) and Maajid Nawaz (Muslim) to their anti-Muslim extremist list, therbye effectively endangering their lives. 
Both Ali and Nawaz have clear reasoned criticisms of Islamic doctrine. The SPLC ought to know that one's 'Muslimness' is NOT inherent. Like belonging to any ideological group, it's a CHOICE (for adults) for crying out loud!!

We have to say "I condemn Muslim doctrine, but not those who promote the doctrine. Bizarre. It's like saying "I condemn Nazism, but not Nazis". Nazism and Islam are both doctrines. But the SPLC acts as though it is the case that one's 'Muslimness' is inherent. No, it's not, viz there are both apostates and converts. 

With respect to their actions against Ali and Nawaz The SPLC are efffectively shutting down criticism of a deeply flawed and immoral doctrine. This is not a good initiative by Apple.


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