VH1 Intentionally breaking Mac access...

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in General Discussion edited January 2014
From MacFixIt Article:


"First, they have a promotion called 'Hear Music First,' which allows users to listen to an entire album before its release through Windows Media Player. Their FAQ, under System Requirements, states that it is 'PC only. Not available on Macintosh.' However, if you attempt it anyway, you can listen to the album by copying the link for 'Listen to entire album' into the 'Open URL..' box in Windows Media Player 7.1. This should be pretty easy to accommodate in the site's HTML code.

"Second, and more alarming, is what happens when you attempt to stream video clips from their website. If you click a video link, the proprietary Media Player window opens, and displays a message that video is 'not currently supported on Macintosh.' Clicking the button to display the URL shows a browser-check flag ("&isMac=true, see NoVideo.jpg); by simply removing this flag, video plays as expected, in the window, using the WMP plugin (see

YesVideo.jpg). Why are Mac users once again being left out for no reason?"


Let them know about this and push OS X's importance. Perhaps we should have a permanent thread dealing with this sort of thing. You won't get too many switchers if they keep seeing erroneous "Does not work on Macintosh" messages at their favorite sites. Strength in numbers people.



  • Reply 1 of 3
    ibrowseibrowse Posts: 1,749member
    That's really bad. Another one for the list of why people will always tell me that the Macintosh can't do everything Windows can. Things like this annoy me sooo much.
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  • Reply 2 of 3
    here's what i sent them.

    [quote]When recently visiting your site I came across links/videos that said they would not be able to play on a Mac. It just so happens that both Windows Media Player and the movies play just fine on a Mac. I would suggest you actually try things before you say they won't work, especially since in this case it takes more work to make it not work than to just leave it alone. Seems like a rather poor business decision to go out of your way to push away customers.

    As a PC and Mac user, I find it annoying that you would go out of your way to exclude potential customers. I'm not asking for anything special, just don't go out of the way to break things that are designed to work.

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  • Reply 3 of 3
    kelibkelib Posts: 740member
    When I try and listen to Football (Soccer) commentary on 'sky.com' (now a part of the msn network) I can't do it on my Mac for what ever reason. When I copy the link's location and try to open it with 'open URL' it says 'failed attempt to open illegal stream. Yet it seems to be a normal mms stream. It's just fvcking unbelievable. I bet MS will come out in a years time or so as a saviour and say 'As we are so commited to the Mac platform we've now fixed problems blablabla'
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