Apple is de-bloating iTunes with latest 12.7 release, removes App Store



  • Reply 81 of 95

    Regarding unable to perform a proper hard backup to the computer THEN update all my devices once: I couldn't agree more with what others are saying on here.  Our WIFI here is so slow that I too rely on my hard backup to the computer, mainly because our internet is so slow there's no way I could do a restore backup of over 2,000+ apps to my device.  I tried it one time a year ago after a problem with 10.1 installation problems.  I was forced to use an iCloud back up to recover my setup.

    After 3 days of continuous running, I could see it updating each of the 1,000+ apps one at a time, it definitely didn't stall, but I needed my phone for work.  After 3 days I cancelled the install, gave up and just built it new from scratch using my iTunes backup on my MAC.Yes it took 9 hours but at least I got it back.  It was horrendous to do it from scratch with hundreds of custom folders placing each APP one at a time, but now that's it done - that is the ONLY option for us.

    Now today with iTunes 12.7 they completely get rid of the IOS APP store, the drop down menu to get access to your purchased product and the ONLY way to retrieve apps is through WIFI and the iCloud?  

    Who on Earth thought THIS was a cool idea??  Why didn't they do a poll online asking people "If we get rid of your computer backup and the ability to shop for and research apps using your computer, how many of you would think that's a cool idea?"  Based on all these forums and the blogs all over the internet Id say close to no one would like loosing their hard backup! 

    In fact the common thread I have been seeing is for the first time in my 30 year Apple history I see people actually wanting to leave Apple over this and you know what?  If I had not invested over $10,000 in Apps, TV Shows, Movies, Books etc... i'd be right behind them.  They have taken a seamlessly easy user friendly system and trashed it in one fell swoop.  We own 13 devices!  Up till today (iTunes 12.7) all I had to do was open iTunes, click UPDATE APPS, wait - it only does 200 at a time, but eventually all 2,900+ get updated - then all I had to do was connect each device to iTunes and update that device with the APPs that updated.  Done.  When we bought a new device each year, we just connected the new device and copied the backup in about an hour per device using the backup stored on the computer.  Hey 1 hour is waaaay better than 3 days let me tell you!  Especially times 13 devices.  LOL

    On more than one occasion we have had problems trying to use iCloud, that's why we stopped completely.  It just wasn't worth the days and days of wait time on a slow WIFI connection.

    The only way Apple is going to "hear" is if ALL OF YOU who also don't like this tells them loud and clear.  Take 3 minutes and go to the FEEDBACK page and tell them what you think.  If you don't?  They will assume everything fine - no one even complained.  It takes each voice so please click the link and let them know what you think:



    Feedback - iTunes - Apple

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  • Reply 82 of 95
    welshdog said:

    Well, it kind of screws up my custom ringtone development.  Now I've got to go through an elaborate connect a cable process to get them there.

    Fn Apple ..
    What would that process be now?  I don't see how you would get the phone to see the files.  I used Garageband to create ringtones in the past, but naturally that doesn't work now.
    Or "naturally" you could RTFM —

    Move ringtones from iTunes to your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch

    If you have a ringtone or tone in iTunes on your Mac or PC that you want to move to your iOS device, you can manually add it to your device using iTunes.

    1. Connect your device to your computer.
    2. Open iTunes. Make sure that you have the latest version.
    3. On your computer, find the ringtone or tone that you want to add to your device. If the ringtone or tone previously appeared in your iTunes library, you can find it in the Tones folder of your iTunes media folder.
    4. Drag the item from your computer to your iOS device in the left sidebar of iTunes.
     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 83 of 95
    Comparative shopping for Pro apps on my SE!  Yea, I can hardly wait!   /s
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 84 of 95
    So who thought it would be a good idea to force everyone to manage their apps updates and purchases individually on each iOS device they own

    Tim Cook is slowly fucking Apple up - did he use to work for Microsoft?

    Next the morons will start making the backs of iPhones out of a substance that shatters
    edited September 2017
     0Likes 0Dislikes 1Informative
  • Reply 85 of 95
    Thank fuck I had another Mac so that I could get the old version of iTunes back

     0Likes 0Dislikes 1Informative
  • Reply 86 of 95
    badmonkbadmonk Posts: 1,342member
    Debloat away Apple, iTunes does way too much.  Pull the scab off the wound and go all the way with three apps-

    AppleMusic app for the streaming service for music and asssociated video content.

    iTunes for those who want to pay to play individual media.

    iBackup for backing up and managing iOS devices for those who don't want to use iCloud.

    podcasts should be its own thing or tied into apps one and two above.
     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 87 of 95

    Ok it's possible to add ringtone with drag and drop but what about removing ringtone from iPhone with itunes 12.7?

    Is there a solution?

    Will this be possible with iOS 11 and file explorer?
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 88 of 95
    welshdog said:

    Well, it kind of screws up my custom ringtone development.  Now I've got to go through an elaborate connect a cable process to get them there.

    Fn Apple ..
    What would that process be now?  I don't see how you would get the phone to see the files.  I used Garageband to create ringtones in the past, but naturally that doesn't work now.
    Or "naturally" you could RTFM —

    Move ringtones from iTunes to your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch

    If you have a ringtone or tone in iTunes on your Mac or PC that you want to move to your iOS device, you can manually add it to your device using iTunes.

    1. Connect your device to your computer.
    2. Open iTunes. Make sure that you have the latest version.
    3. On your computer, find the ringtone or tone that you want to add to your device. If the ringtone or tone previously appeared in your iTunes library, you can find it in the Tones folder of your iTunes media folder.
    4. Drag the item from your computer to your iOS device in the left sidebar of iTunes.
    I don't know what RTFM means.

    Your "solution" does not work as I want to create a ringtone in Garageband and get it into the phone. All my current ringtones are already in the phone. I want to be able to make new ones and send to the iPhone as I have in the past.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 89 of 95
    Solisoli Posts: 10,038member
    welshdog said:
    welshdog said:

    Well, it kind of screws up my custom ringtone development.  Now I've got to go through an elaborate connect a cable process to get them there.

    Fn Apple ..
    What would that process be now?  I don't see how you would get the phone to see the files.  I used Garageband to create ringtones in the past, but naturally that doesn't work now.
    Or "naturally" you could RTFM —

    Move ringtones from iTunes to your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch

    If you have a ringtone or tone in iTunes on your Mac or PC that you want to move to your iOS device, you can manually add it to your device using iTunes.

    1. Connect your device to your computer.
    2. Open iTunes. Make sure that you have the latest version.
    3. On your computer, find the ringtone or tone that you want to add to your device. If the ringtone or tone previously appeared in your iTunes library, you can find it in the Tones folder of your iTunes media folder.
    4. Drag the item from your computer to your iOS device in the left sidebar of iTunes.
    I don't know what RTFM means.

    Your "solution" does not work as I want to create a ringtone in Garageband and get it into the phone. All my current ringtones are already in the phone. I want to be able to make new ones and send to the iPhone as I have in the past.
    1) It's an initialism that means read the fucking manual.

    2) Why wouldn't it work? You even get to skip step 3 and instead just go to step 4 so you can drag the ringtone you made in Garageband "from your computer to your iOS device in the left sidebar of iTunes."
    edited September 2017
     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 90 of 95
    welshdog said:
    welshdog said:

    Well, it kind of screws up my custom ringtone development.  Now I've got to go through an elaborate connect a cable process to get them there.

    Fn Apple ..
    What would that process be now?  I don't see how you would get the phone to see the files.  I used Garageband to create ringtones in the past, but naturally that doesn't work now.
    Or "naturally" you could RTFM —

    Move ringtones from iTunes to your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch

    If you have a ringtone or tone in iTunes on your Mac or PC that you want to move to your iOS device, you can manually add it to your device using iTunes.

    1. Connect your device to your computer.
    2. Open iTunes. Make sure that you have the latest version.
    3. On your computer, find the ringtone or tone that you want to add to your device. If the ringtone or tone previously appeared in your iTunes library, you can find it in the Tones folder of your iTunes media folder.
    4. Drag the item from your computer to your iOS device in the left sidebar of iTunes.
    I don't know what RTFM means.

    Your "solution" does not work as I want to create a ringtone in Garageband and get it into the phone. All my current ringtones are already in the phone. I want to be able to make new ones and send to the iPhone as I have in the past.
    What Soli said, but also — you're really bad at RTFM because these instructions tell you how to do exactly that.
     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 91 of 95
    welshdogwelshdog Posts: 1,919member
    welshdog said:
    welshdog said:

    Well, it kind of screws up my custom ringtone development.  Now I've got to go through an elaborate connect a cable process to get them there.

    Fn Apple ..
    What would that process be now?  I don't see how you would get the phone to see the files.  I used Garageband to create ringtones in the past, but naturally that doesn't work now.
    Or "naturally" you could RTFM —

    Move ringtones from iTunes to your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch

    If you have a ringtone or tone in iTunes on your Mac or PC that you want to move to your iOS device, you can manually add it to your device using iTunes.

    1. Connect your device to your computer.
    2. Open iTunes. Make sure that you have the latest version.
    3. On your computer, find the ringtone or tone that you want to add to your device. If the ringtone or tone previously appeared in your iTunes library, you can find it in the Tones folder of your iTunes media folder.
    4. Drag the item from your computer to your iOS device in the left sidebar of iTunes.
    I don't know what RTFM means.

    Your "solution" does not work as I want to create a ringtone in Garageband and get it into the phone. All my current ringtones are already in the phone. I want to be able to make new ones and send to the iPhone as I have in the past.
    What Soli said, but also — you're really bad at RTFM because these instructions tell you how to do exactly that.
    Okay lets back up. I said I create ringtones in Garageband and that the process "naturally" didn't work because of the removal of certain iTunes functionality.  You apparently took offense and decided to be rude and condescending to me, suggesting I should RTFM. You then offered a "solution" that did not address the specific issue, which was that GarageBand no longer could send ringtones to iTunes.

    Here's how it used to work: Get a song into GB. Create a cycle area on the track that describes the ringtone start and stop. Select "Ringtone to iTunes..." and poof you are done - Ringtone is in iTunes.  Now this is broken.  GB tries to send the tone, but because functions have been removed from iTunes it fails.  

    Garageband does not have a "Save ringtone" function per se.  What I did determine is that you can use "Export Song to Disk..." selecting AAC and "Export cycle area..." and end up with a m4a file.  This still does not work since iTunes/iPhone wants a different file type.  However, you can just change the m4a to m4r in the Finder.  Now, and only now, you can drag the file to your phone in iTunes.

    So again, what you suggested did not work as stated.  The next time you choose to RTFM someone you probably should make sure you know what the FUCK you are talking about.
     1Like 0Dislikes 1Informative
  • Reply 92 of 95
    I DEBLOATED this morning APPLE! I dumped Itunes right off all my computers!! Ahh, feels so much better. I never ever used the music, I managed my apps in Itunes. Major blunder on your part apple in my opinion. When you think you can force me to use something I do no want and take away functionality, then it is time to switch phones as well. 
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 93 of 95
    Hey- it makes a great recursion demo!! When I click on an App link from a webpage it will bounce to iTunes, which bounces back to the webpage, which bounces back to iTunes, which.... Tried it here: (click Download) and here: (click Download App Store)... Weird...
     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 94 of 95
    welshdog said:
    welshdog said:
    welshdog said:

    Well, it kind of screws up my custom ringtone development.  Now I've got to go through an elaborate connect a cable process to get them there.

    Fn Apple ..
    What would that process be now?  I don't see how you would get the phone to see the files.  I used Garageband to create ringtones in the past, but naturally that doesn't work now.
    Or "naturally" you could RTFM —

    Move ringtones from iTunes to your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch

    If you have a ringtone or tone in iTunes on your Mac or PC that you want to move to your iOS device, you can manually add it to your device using iTunes.

    1. Connect your device to your computer.
    2. Open iTunes. Make sure that you have the latest version.
    3. On your computer, find the ringtone or tone that you want to add to your device. If the ringtone or tone previously appeared in your iTunes library, you can find it in the Tones folder of your iTunes media folder.
    4. Drag the item from your computer to your iOS device in the left sidebar of iTunes.
    I don't know what RTFM means.

    Your "solution" does not work as I want to create a ringtone in Garageband and get it into the phone. All my current ringtones are already in the phone. I want to be able to make new ones and send to the iPhone as I have in the past.
    What Soli said, but also — you're really bad at RTFM because these instructions tell you how to do exactly that.
    Okay lets back up. I said I create ringtones in Garageband and that the process "naturally" didn't work because of the removal of certain iTunes functionality.  You apparently took offense and decided to be rude and condescending to me, suggesting I should RTFM. You then offered a "solution" that did not address the specific issue, which was that GarageBand no longer could send ringtones to iTunes.

    Here's how it used to work: Get a song into GB. Create a cycle area on the track that describes the ringtone start and stop. Select "Ringtone to iTunes..." and poof you are done - Ringtone is in iTunes.  Now this is broken.  GB tries to send the tone, but because functions have been removed from iTunes it fails.  

    Garageband does not have a "Save ringtone" function per se.  What I did determine is that you can use "Export Song to Disk..." selecting AAC and "Export cycle area..." and end up with a m4a file.  This still does not work since iTunes/iPhone wants a different file type.  However, you can just change the m4a to m4r in the Finder.  Now, and only now, you can drag the file to your phone in iTunes.

    So again, what you suggested did not work as stated.  The next time you choose to RTFM someone you probably should make sure you know what the FUCK you are talking about.
    It wasn't really clear that you were talking about broken communication between the two apps before, which is indeed a problem if it breaks an obvious workflow like that — all you said was "get it into the phone". Thanks for the explanation, sounds like a speed bump but not insurmountable. That said, apologies for the snark, no need to take it personally.

    Also, you should send this specific feedback to Apple.
    edited September 2017
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