What is Copland?

in General Discussion edited January 2014
I always hear people talking about Copland, and how it was a miserable failure. I think it has something to do with OS 8.5 (perhaps it WAS OS 8.5?). What was so special about it, and what does it have to do with OS X? This was sorta before my time, as I only started to get into Macs in late 2000.


  • Reply 1 of 3
    Actually, it was the precursor to OS8. It was a money sinkhole. Millions were invested in its development as the saving grace to System 7's clunkiness. It was going to have protected memory, better threading, new features galore, etc.

    The only thing OS8 really got from Copland project was the Platinum theme. Other features in 8.5 and 9 were listed as parts of Copland, but I don't think they were actually extracted from Copland's codebase.

    It has nothing at all to do with OSX. OSX is built on NeXTSTEP. Copland never made it past a few early VERY buggy alpha builds.

    I'll let a Copland expert explain the details.

    [ 11-18-2002: Message edited by: Brad ]</p>
  • Reply 2 of 3
    Copland was very ambitious-advanced AI built into the OS-the Speech API is a remnant of Copland
  • Reply 3 of 3
    [quote]Originally posted by Steve:

    <strong>I always hear people talking about Copland, and how it was a miserable failure. I think it has something to do with OS 8.5 (perhaps it WAS OS 8.5?). What was so special about it, and what does it have to do with OS X? This was sorta before my time, as I only started to get into Macs in late 2000.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Copland was what they called Garrison, New Jersey. See, there was these cops who worked in the 37th but they wanted to live in Jersey. Now the only cops that were allowed to live in the city were transit cops. So the cops pulled overtime and subway stations and stuff and the city made them auxiliary transit cops. Then they made Silvester Stallone the sheriff but in the end he ratted the lot of them out to Robert de Niro. True story, I saw it on telly the other night.
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