Powerbook G4 Sleeve

in General Discussion edited January 2014
Hi all. I'd like to buy a sleeve for my powerbook g4, but am unsure which one I should buy. What do you all recommend? Also, what do you think abou the sleeve pictured in the link? Thanks

<a href="http://www.jambags.com/powerbook-sleeve.htm"; target="_blank">http://www.jambags.com/powerbook-sleeve.htm</a>;


  • Reply 1 of 4
    rooroo Posts: 162member
    i don't currently own a pb (my tibook order is "partially shipped"), but i've always like <a href="http://www.sfbags.com"; target="_blank">waterfield design</a>'s bags and sleeves. its nice and simple, you can get it in a horizontal or vertical orientation, and it can be carried as a bag (attachable straps) if you want to. jack currently has one that will be come mine once this tibook arrives!
  • Reply 2 of 4
    [quote]Originally posted by roo:

    <strong>i don't currently own a pb (my tibook order is "partially shipped"), but i've always like <a href="http://www.sfbags.com"; target="_blank">waterfield design</a>'s bags and sleeves. its nice and simple, you can get it in a horizontal or vertical orientation, and it can be carried as a bag (attachable straps) if you want to.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I have a TiBook with the waterfield horizontal sleeve and I love it. I use it without the straps to protect the TiBook when I put it in my shoulder bag, and I use it with the straps just to carry around. It accentuates the extreme thinness of the TiBook, and it turns heads when I walk around with it. (and chicks dig it :cool: )

    The only drawback is that the sleeve is open on the top; there's only a velcro strap that holds it closed. While it does stay closed securely, it isn't protected from rain, snow etc if you're walking with it outside at all.

    [ 12-05-2002: Message edited by: snazlord ]</p>
  • Reply 3 of 4
    [quote]Originally posted by snazlord:


    The only drawback is that the sleeve is open on the top; there's only a velcro strap that holds it closed. While it does stay closed securely, it isn't protected from rain, snow etc if you're walking with it outside at all.

    [ 12-05-2002: Message edited by: snazlord ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    If you fork over an extra $10 or so, they'll actually alleviate that issue by including a flap that covers that area entirely. That's what is on my sleevecase
  • Reply 4 of 4
    xionjaxionja Posts: 504member
    <a href="http://www.timbuk2.com"; target="_blank">www.timbuk2.com</a>

    Nifty laptop sleeve build specifically for apple laptops.

    I have their messanger bag, it kicks ass.
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