Buy now or wait?
I'd like some counsel on this purchase that I plan on making, but am still not totally sure.
the computer I'm looking at is here
item: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
the monitor,
item: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
total price estimated $2708
from apple that would cost around $3200 so there is pretty big savings. The computer is probably more than I'll be needing for a long time, it will definatly be my main computer for years to come. My dilemma, I've put off this purchase for so long already, that now when I am 100% ready to buy it, I am having doubts. What I am most concerned with is not having the best of the best, but more price. because when the new powermacs are released whenever, then the price of these models(especially refurb) will probably go down another couple hundred dollars, and then it would be a GREAT deal, but I don't know if I can wait that long. I'm sure I could, but everytime I want to do anything fun or processor intensive on my dinky iMac DVSE I am always wishing I had better hardware.
well...any input?
[ 12-08-2002: Message edited by: Wrong Robust ]</p>
the computer I'm looking at is here
item: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
the monitor,
item: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
total price estimated $2708
from apple that would cost around $3200 so there is pretty big savings. The computer is probably more than I'll be needing for a long time, it will definatly be my main computer for years to come. My dilemma, I've put off this purchase for so long already, that now when I am 100% ready to buy it, I am having doubts. What I am most concerned with is not having the best of the best, but more price. because when the new powermacs are released whenever, then the price of these models(especially refurb) will probably go down another couple hundred dollars, and then it would be a GREAT deal, but I don't know if I can wait that long. I'm sure I could, but everytime I want to do anything fun or processor intensive on my dinky iMac DVSE I am always wishing I had better hardware.
well...any input?
[ 12-08-2002: Message edited by: Wrong Robust ]</p>
You said it will be more power than you'll need (or something like that) so why bother wating!