is a piece of crap or...

in General Discussion edited January 2014
Here's the scenario. I've since moved to Entourage but I was curious to see if anyone else has had similar problems.

With one particular email account (all the server settings are correct - we own the mail server) I would send an email and it would do one of three things:

A. Never leave the outbox and request a different smtp server.

B. Get sent and just vanish - no trace of it even getting to the sending mail server. The recipient wouldn't get it and it wouldn't come back either - just vanish into nothingness.

C. Get returned by a mailer daemon as un-sendable.

It's driving me nuts!! No one else can duplicate this problem on their Macs, but I can duplicate it on both mine. All settings are identical.

This might get moved to the genius bar section, but I'm not really asking for help. Just curious to see if anyone else has experienced this problem.
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