Prepaid cellular iPad & Apple Watch!

in Genius Bar
Dear Apple Team & Teams,

Ive Been Looking for a New iPad, This time im Hopeing it Would of Been Able to Be Prepaid.
I Currently Own an iPad Air, Im a Huge Fan of Apples iPads, But i See it Better fit For a Apple Watch then an iPhone.

Im Not Gonna Ramble Why, Im Sure youve Heard it All & And Then Some more.

I Wanted to Bring too Your Attension, that There are Many Was a Cellular iPad Can Connect to an Apple Watch, And Would really like to Know if any of my Sulations Will Work.

From What i Read on the Web a Cellular iPad uses a "Celluar Data Number" And Started thinking. If the iPad is Bassed off a Data Plan How Can You Make an Apple Watch Work With that Device, Truth is they Would Either Have to Share The Data, or Be Joined By a Different Number or Mobile Data Number Or Serial Data Number.

The Way i See it is, You Would Set up your Apple Watch by Bluetooth, or  Linking Them, And if you Use a Pre-Paid iPad On the go That Uses A Cellular Data Number, ive Never Had an IPhone But Would Suspect that it Uses a "Mobile Cellular Number", and If you Were, to Make a So Called "Serial Data Number" as an Apple Watch Verification Based Unit Number might Work. 

Through Bluetooth it Should Work, But if the Reason is Because of Verification on a Wi-Fi Network it Might Help to use the "Cellular Data Number" And/Or "Mobile Data Number" witch Would Talk to Your Apple Watches "Serial Data Number"Would be in Part a Big Difference.

 The Obstacle is the "AND" part of the "And/Or" Because you Would be Getting Double the Notifications.
 So There For if your iPad is What Most things Would Be Talking Through, thats Where you Need your Point of Focus, Main Relay or Network Since the iPhone is already Mobile on Cell Tower's Let it Be. 
 The Way it Would Work is Similar to This= IPhone Relay's to Apple Watch(if No iPad)Dont have the Device on And/or Own One) and Through "Mobile Data Number. If you Then Want a Cellular iPad, Relay Frequency Changes To Main Relay Unit, or iPad Witch is "Cellular Data Number", This Means the Apple Watch That is Mainly Used over that Wi-Fi Network, Your Home's Wi-Fi Changes to Your iPads Relay Frequency (to(Main Data Unit)Cellular Data Number)iPad) Because it Recognizes Not Only That There IS a Mobile Data Number And Wi-Fi Intersect, But Yet that There are Also Devices that Use Tethers And/or Bluetooth and on the Same Wi-Fi to Connect Too Your Home/Business/School, and Not your Mobile Phone!

This is another idea a New Frequency or "Tethered Bluetooth" as i Would Call it. it Would only Tether the Devices on Bluetooth for Notifications, and Communicating From 1 Device to Another!


- (Mobile) your Cellular Number 1(847) 010-0101 Wi-Fi Network: Not Connected & -

-Tethered Bluetooth to your Apple Watch SyoSin (Serial)-Data Number whatever that Might be, Say-  1111 Wi-Fi Network: xfinitywifi.-

- Then Add a Pre-Paid Cellular iPad (Cellular)-Data Number Say- 121-212-1212)  Wi-Fi Network: xfinitywifi and Tethered Bluetooth Connected: Apple Watch SyoSin (Platinum Edition)! 

P.s. if you Were you Make a Eye-Glass Wearable i Would link it By 

-Tethered Air-Play Connection, (Peripheral Serial Number) 131-313-1313 to Apple Watch SyoSin

Sorry i Know it Really Confusing Between the Serial Data Number & the Tethered Bluetooth thing also the One Device Be Without Wifi!

Thanks for Reading
my Long Paragraph ugggh lol XD
Keep At it Apple!!!! Thanks! =D

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