It's been years,

in AppleOutsider
what happened to all the toxic talk that used to dominate this place?
When was it cleaned up?  

What did the extremists think while it happened?

Who is still here that might recognize my handle?


  • Reply 1 of 15
    It was cleaned up so a new generation of apple insiders  can rise up and trash the place.  :D
  • Reply 2 of 15
    racerhomie3racerhomie3 Posts: 1,264member
    Hello folks!!!!
    We love Apple. No Apple haters here!
  • Reply 3 of 15
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member
    Things have quieted down at other Apple centric sites too like 9to5Mac. I think moderators finally had enough.
    edited July 2018
  • Reply 4 of 15
    ahhhh.... memories... :) 

    (I kinda miss those days.)

  • Reply 5 of 15
    Hi Pfflam, it's Addabox!  Posting under some random account I apparently made, according to autofill!  How the hell you been?  
  • Reply 6 of 15
    This is Fellowship from back in the day and just wanted to stop by and see what is up!

    How is everyone doing?  Who all is here that remembers me?  BTW Pfflam I rememeber you !

  • Reply 7 of 15
    Fellows said:
    This is Fellowship from back in the day and just wanted to stop by and see what is up!

    How is everyone doing?  Who all is here that remembers me?  BTW Pfflam I rememeber you !

    Why the name change / new account ? :) 

  • Reply 8 of 15
    thttht Posts: 5,608member
    Nuking PoliticalOutsider was a great idea! And keeping a short leash on politics talk even better.

    Part of it is market maturation. PC vs Mac became more boring after the Intel switch. Had a nice pickup with iPhone versus all others for awhile, but that has obviously gone away most of the platform players dying off. The media is desperate for folding phones as that would be something to talk about as notches and hole punches is kind of boring too as virtually everyone has adopted them.

    You know, I’m kind of hoping for a nice rectangular display with sharp corners (or lightly rounded corners if they must), with some bezel, and a back camera that doesn’t protrude out. It would be... peaceful.
  • Reply 9 of 15
    Fellows said:
    This is Fellowship from back in the day and just wanted to stop by and see what is up!

    How is everyone doing?  Who all is here that remembers me?  BTW Pfflam I rememeber you !

    Why the name change / new account ? :) 

    So for some reason I must have dumped an old email that I once used with my account here.  I went to log in and not remembering my password was going to have it sent to my email but then it turns out I don't use that email service any longer.  Got to love these issues.  I had a lot of fun here in the day and wanted to check in.  I  have two growing kids one 12 and one 8 and life can keep you busy.  I hope to check in often to see who is still here.  I remember many including Powerdoc, trumptman, BR and those of you in this thread.

    Love to you all!   Fellows
  • Reply 10 of 15
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member
    pfflam said:
    what happened to all the toxic talk that used to dominate this place?
    When was it cleaned up?  

    What did the extremists think while it happened?

    Who is still here that might recognize my handle?
    I recognize it. I'm still here and post about Apple issues... all the political stuff is gone.

    It was cleaned up and dead well before PO was nuked in my opinion. Basically when you look at new messages they are now all generated as part of the news. The forums are basically the way to discuss the news now which is probably appropriate. Not much discussion about actually using Apple stuff or supporting each other or helping each othef on it but there are other sites for that. That is the AI niche for and comment on it.

    The sore thumb of PO or even AO is easy to see. They host the only threads not generated by Appleinsider Staff.
  • Reply 11 of 15
    pfflam said:
    what happened to all the toxic talk that used to dominate this place?
    When was it cleaned up?  

    What did the extremists think while it happened?

    Who is still here that might recognize my handle?
    I don’t recognize your name, but looks like you were posting here at least 5 years after I was here. Why did you leave?
  • Reply 12 of 15
    I don’t recognize your name, but looks like you were posting here at least 5 years after I was here. Why did you leave?
    Possibly because it got boring. :) ...  Like Trumptman said above, the site used to be a lot more "useful" (and more exciting).
  • Reply 13 of 15
    Long time!

    So I was here from about 1998 to 2010 and observed much! Im actually back posting here for an unbelievable reason....Let me explain.

    Back in the day, about half of my contribution™ :D was related to all things at the cutting edge of theoretical astrophysics, and in the rough timeperiod of about 2005ish, I made a series of wholly original posts outlining some ideas I had, that were ridiculed by the forum community as you would expect, but which were subsequently published in 2010 by one of the worlds most famous and respected living scientists and has subsequently become a major scientific theory gaining debate and traction, if somewhat still on the fringes considering how abstract the concept really is....

    ...when you consider the implications of two people randomly coming up with something so fundamental, yet so far out, to the properties of the universe so close together in time, it appears unlikely that this was a random coincidence, considering major ideas rarely develop independently in any given century, and the appleinsider forums Outsider were a lot busier and far more read in the 2005 timeframe

    Obviously I know that I will never be taken seriously by the scientific community, and will be thoroughly character assassinated as a crazy if I was to challenge his work, and it is not my intent to harm or embarass this famous person, or seek anything other than recognition that I originated this idea. I belieive it good and honest for history to have myself and this forum creditied to a fundamental idea.

    I have long since left the astrophysics specualation arena, when I moved to Scandinavia in 2010 and just got on with life, with just a passing interest in astrophysics, which was put on the sidelines until a year or so ago due to time constraints, and it is then I discovered that my ideas had actually been adopted, published and had become mainstream. I was again reminded of this last night when I saw a significant video about my idea on a mainstream entertainment channel.

    The problem is, proof of my contribution to science is only available in the ancient-history Appleinsider forums, which appear to be long since deleted and unfindable in google.

    Question to the the owners/administrators of these forums have in the vaults an archive going back to the early days that could be searched to validate my claim?

  • Reply 14 of 15

    Thanks to some great detective work, my post has been found!

    Here is the scientific threory that came of this idea.

    And here is the youtube video I saw last night.

    Hello famous mathmatical physicist Roger Penrose. You have popularized the CCC theory in your 2010 book, sorry but I outlined this idea precisely in 2004.
    No big issue for me, I am nobody and never could have done anything with it so Im pleased that someone of your stature and capability has taken this idea, validated it and popularized it. Thats good enough for me :)

    I ask for nothing really, but in the footnotes of history, I think it reasonable that myself and the appleinsider forum, get a small footnote credit for thinking of this first and publishing it in the public domain.

    PS. Hello to everyone, dmz, fellowship, frank, trumptman, segovius, BR, Hassan I Segovius:lol: and everyone else. I guess this place is now so quiet, none of you will ever see this. The past is the past, and probably what happened on this very forum, was some of the greatest learning experiences of my life. Thanks to you all. If anything ever comes of my claim to CCC, then rest assured that in some way, I recognise that you all contributed to it in some kind of way.

    I, myself, essentially stopped my pursuit into theoretical astrophysics shortly after the forum changed in 2009, so I was not aware of Penroses CCC theory until last year. However I did return to uni in 2010 and studied Math and Physics, and when that finished, i moved to Norway in 2014, but have not persued it since. However, I keep an eye in on developments from time to time, and became aware of CCC from Roger himself on Youtube, last year.

    I did many searches for my post, even using the wayback machine because I instantly recognised CCC as my hypothesis, but for some reason I was unable to find it, until today, when I was given this info by kschercher, who I will forever be indebted too, just for personal satisfaction reasons.

    If anyone is ever interested, in about 2008, I also came up with a valid model for explaining the mechanism that gravity works by, but I was not foolish enough to ever publish that in the public domain. Its quite possible that I still have something valuable to offer the Scientific community.

    edited June 2020 elijahg
  • Reply 15 of 15
    thttht Posts: 5,608member
    MarcAstro said:
    Hello famous mathmatical physicist Roger Penrose. You have popularized the CCC theory in your 2010 book, sorry but I outlined this idea precisely in 2004. 
    These sounds like light's continuous FU to our human brains. Damn it for being invariant to the observer!

    What cause the bangs to create the next aeon in the first place? Why wouldn't it bang mid-cycle as opposed to the heat death of the universe?

    MarcAstro said:
    If anyone is ever interested, in about 2008, I also came up with a valid model for explaining the mechanism that gravity works by, but I was not foolish enough to ever publish that in the public domain. Its quite possible that I still have something valuable to offer the Scientific community.
    I'd like to hear it.

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