i claim first dibs on Murbot's PB 12" when he sells it in 3 months
not sure if this is General Discussion or Temporary Insanity...but i know Murbot has ordered a 12" PowerBook and i also know he "jones" for a new mac every 35 seconds (sort of like how often a pregnant woman pees when she is 2 weeks past due)....so i claim first shot when he puts his pb up for sale....

murbot, i hope to hell you get a pricebreak on these things. the way you go through Macs is nuts. i swear i've got 50 mac users here at least and combined they don't go through as many machines as you do.
<a href="http://forums.appleinsider.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=10&t=003472" target="_blank">MurbotWatch® 2003</a>
<strong>lol, that's fine, i call dibs on it when he sells it in two months.
murbot, i hope to hell you get a pricebreak on these things. the way you go through Macs is nuts. i swear i've got 50 mac users here at least and combined they don't go through as many machines as you do.</strong><hr></blockquote>
But at least he sometimes makes a profit when he sells them