1Ghz Powerbook Owners' Reaction.

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in General Discussion edited January 2014
What does everyone think? I am still happy with my 1ghz powerbook and I think its the perfect compromise between the 12" and 17". Anyone think they will have new airport extreme cards for existing powerbooks?t

[ 01-08-2003: Message edited by: Eldios ]</p>


  • Reply 1 of 13
    I bit on the GHz powerbook and I'm extremely happy with it.

    While a 17" screen would be an absolute boon to me, the new Powerbook is out of my price range.

    Beyond price, I don't think the 17" Powerbook is nearly as nice a design as the TiBook. The power key has been placed inside the speaker grille, which looks very odd. They keyboard is the same color as the body. Not attractive. Worst of all, the ports are all open and located on both sides of the 'book. That design is nowhere near as elegant as the TiBook's covered ports in the back. It makes the 17" 'book seem very PC-ish. Even the pc card slot is nowhere near as nice as the one on the TiBook.

    The TiBook is a beautiful design with an abundance of class and elegance. By comparison, the 17" 'book looks a bit klunky and hastily designed.
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  • Reply 2 of 13
    milesmiles Posts: 26member
    I just made this same post at macnn, so I send my apologies to those who browse both forums...

    I got my tisd just before New Year's, so it was slightly nauseating to see two new models come out today.

    Would I get the new 17 inch model? Sure. But these new books have now given me something new to drool about - the potential release (???) of a 15 inch Auminum powerbook with the features released today (and maybe a speed/memory/hard drive/only god (Steve) knows what else bump). I'd get the 15 inch aluminum before the 17 incher in a heartbeat. But then it probably won't be too long after that when we see the new G4 or maybe the 970 in these books. Naturally, this is all speculation, but my point is that many of the future revisions we can speculate on ALL look very appealing. New, powerful chips in the pipeline, a new, improved form factor, prices which are getting lower by the quarter, cutting edge innovation...what's not to like? And if this is the year of the portable, I wonder what else Steve has up his sleeve.

    All in all, I still love my 15 inch Tibook. But, more importantly, I am excited by the life which seems to have been reinfused within the Apple community. With the last two book releases (which both exceeded most of our expectations), and the promise of a new (Godsend) chip in 2003, I have the general sense that Apple is gaining momentum. As someone who cheers for the platform, I can't help but feel optimistic about the remainder of 2003. I can't wait to see what this year holds...
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  • Reply 3 of 13
    splinemodelsplinemodel Posts: 7,311member
    The only thing that hurts me a little is the DDR, but the current memory implementation used by Apple isn't true DDR, so I'm not really upset. The Airport extreme and bluetooth on the motherboard (I presume) are also nice touches, but they're nothing huge.

    The price of the 15 went down a little, but it still has the best graphics card.

    Anyway, most of the changes weren't monumental at all. Plus, I need the 15. The 12 is too small, and the 17 is too big. I carry mine around quite a bit. The 17 won't fit in my bag, and in general it's pretty big to lug around.

    Granted that I buy a new computer every year to year-and-a-half, it's not really a concern. The next powerbook I own will either be 7457 or 970 powered. These ones don't have better processors.
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  • Reply 4 of 13
    sushiismsushiism Posts: 131member
    ohh boo hoo if anyones upset who has a 1ghz powerbook, i got an 800 a month or so before the 1ghz came out but im not bothered becase i had to get a computer for university and i cant imagine it being much speedier. Anyway the 17 incher isnt for me : too big and i dojnt like the powerbutton/ports at all sides, hopefully in a few years when i can afford a new powerbook they will have the 15 incher in the better material etc . Hmm I think perhaps apple should have waited till now to upgrade all powerbooks to 1ghz i dont think it would have harmed anyone and its only caused a bit of annoyance for people expecting at least a month out of thier 1ghz before another revamp but ahhh well people look on the brgithside, thats probably the last update the Tiline will see this year and they're still the best notebooks on the market, im on a pc right now but the Tibook is blinkin :o iom gonna go hug it its so lovely
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  • Reply 5 of 13
    rooroo Posts: 162member
    i'm not upset about these new 'books at all. when we were at keynote, i was relieved when i saw the 17", because it is waay to big for me. but then he said "one more small thing" and i thought to myself, "oh fvck!" as something smaller than the 15.2" would have been nice, but then i saw it was 12", and that's too small for me. it would be a great supplement to a desktop system, but the tibook is a desktop replacement for me, so i'm still happy with my purchase.

    oh, and 802.11g would have been nice, but i can deal without it. ooh, that and the backlit keyboard, but that's only in the 17" anyway.

    [ 01-08-2003: Message edited by: roo ]</p>
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  • Reply 6 of 13
    giantgiant Posts: 6,041member
    FW2 and Airport extreme are the only things that I would miss. Other than that, the GhzTi is the best laptop in the world.

    But that 12" is really nice for folks that don't need the bigger screen.
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  • Reply 7 of 13
    I love my TiBook 1 GHz / 1 GB RAM / 60 GB / combo. Sure, the new 17" is nice, and if I was buying today I might consider it, but I don't regret buying the 15" at all. It's a great machine. I have had only good experiences with it.

    Besides, it's more compact than the 17", has longer battery hours and IMO a better graphics card. And finally, the 17" PowerBooks will not be available in Denmark until end of march!
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  • Reply 8 of 13
    shetlineshetline Posts: 4,695member
    For a couple of years after selling a G3 tower, I'd gone through a succession of TiBooks (500, 667, 800) as my one-and-only Mac system. (And yes, eBay has made it way too easy for me to rationalize upgrade fever! )

    Now that I have a G4 tower, I've often found myself wishing that I'd skipped my last TiBook upgrade, and instead bought the smaller, more rugged 12" iBook for portable use.

    Now, however, that there's a 12" PowerBook, that's looking like where I'd like to go for my next laptop. With my dual 1.25 PowerMac now for my main system, I'm no longer quite so eager to upgrade my laptop -- I think I'll wait out at least one generation of these new designs.

    My main hopes for the next 12" PowerBook: At least 1 GHz, DVI port instead of just VGA, and I'd like to see it use the long-rumored 7457 G4 which should make it run cooler and stretch the battery life.

    As for the new 17-incher... very cool in some ways, but since I occasionally find myself wishing that my 15" TiBook was a little smaller, I think I'd find the 17" awkwardly large. I'm eager to see one when they arrive in stores, however, just to experience what it looks and feels like in person.

    By the way, these new PowerBooks aren't made out of titanium, they're made out of aluminum. What are we going to call them for short? AlBooks?

    (Suddenly Paul Simon music is running through my head...)
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  • Reply 9 of 13
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    [quote]Originally posted by eliahu:


    They keyboard is the same color as the body. Not attractive. Worst of all, the ports are all open and located on both sides of the 'book. That design is nowhere near as elegant as the TiBook's covered ports in the back. It makes the 17" 'book seem very PC-ish. Even the pc card slot is nowhere near as nice as the one on the TiBook.


    I actually think the new keyboard looks better than the ones on the TiBooks and the ports are better on the sides because it's more convienient. I love having the ports on the side on my iBook.
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  • Reply 10 of 13
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    [quote]Originally posted by giant:

    <strong>FW2 and Airport extreme are the only things that I would miss. Other than that, the GhzTi is the best laptop in the world.

    But that 12" is really nice for folks that don't need the bigger screen.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    You can get the card and basestation I might for my gig pBook. I'm not sad or mad, but i am tempted a little to vist ebay...just a little.
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  • Reply 11 of 13
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member
    [quote]Originally posted by KidRed:


    You can get the card and basestation I might for my gig pBook. I'm not sad or mad, but i am tempted a little to vist ebay...just a little.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I dont think you can get ApE on anything other then the new 12/17 PBs
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  • Reply 12 of 13
    Am I a little bumed? Yeah, a little. APE would be über cool, but I can live without it for now. Would the backlit keyboard be great--you betcha! Would the 17" screen be cool? Yeah...would the 6.5 lbs. or whatever it weighs be cool...NO WAY! After using this TiBook, and then picking up my old clamshell iBook, man, the Ti book feels weightless almost. If I were buying today, I'd get the 17" model, just becasue it is the best, but I have few regrets about my current machine. It's fast and beautiful. But, when the new 'Book gets a 970 and reaches 2Ghz, then I'll upgrade (Hopefully MWNY 2004?) Am I already looking that far ahead!?! :o <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" />
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  • Reply 13 of 13
    Well, does 867 count?...I'll say ya. Sure I was pissed, but this is my computer, and I've already latched onto it. It's allll mine. I feel better that they didn't discontinue the Ti's, but I will eventually buy a mini once I get the proper money...but, for now, this is my comp, and I couldn't be happier.
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