Year of the laptop?

in General Discussion edited January 2014
Most of us heard Steve mention that laptop sales will soon equal it's desktops.

He also went on to say that this was the year of the laptop.

Was this just a salesmanship aimed at the new Powerbooks, or are we to assume there's more later this year.

I can't see much more in the Powerbook line (other than to bring the 15" up to par). And the iBooks will probably just go up to 1GHz G3's.

Or perhaps this was just a way to stall until the towers are eventually updated.


  • Reply 1 of 4
    cubs23cubs23 Posts: 324member
    I like the 17" laptop. Who wouldn't want to watch a movie on the road on a 17" screen rather than a 12 or 15? As far as the price... not too bad considering just a 10" portable dvd player is around $1000! Considering how much more functionable a laptop is too.
  • Reply 2 of 4
    satchmosatchmo Posts: 2,699member
    [quote]Originally posted by cubs23:

    <strong>I like the 17" laptop. Who wouldn't want to watch a movie on the road on a 17" screen rather than a 12 or 15? As far as the price... not too bad considering just a 10" portable dvd player is around $1000! Considering how much more functionable a laptop is too.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Huh? I'm glad you like the 17" but what does that have to do with this thread? <img src="confused.gif" border="0">
  • Reply 3 of 4
    stunnedstunned Posts: 1,096member
    There is no doubt that the market is moving towards portables, but the existing market for desktops is still very huge as desktops are generally cheaper and faster than portables. Thus, Apple should not neglect its desktop lineup. An improvement to the iMAc would be very nice.
  • Reply 4 of 4
    scottscott Posts: 7,431member
    Year of the CPU not fit for a desktop.
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