Did Jobs coin "digital hub"?

in General Discussion edited January 2014
I believe it was around the time the FP iMac was being unveiled when Jobs proclaimed the personal computer as the digital hub of the future.

While industry experts were predicting the demise of the desktop, Jobs had the forethought to say otherwise (knowing he had iLife apps on the go).

While sales overall in general are still soft, everyone else is now jumping on the bandwagon. Recent sound bites at the Consumer Electronic Show in Vegas have Mr. Dell and Mr. Gates touting the PC desktop as the...you guessed it, digital hub.

With all of Apple's faults, you've got to give them their props for being an industry leader. Makes you wonder where any sort of innovation would come from should Apple ever go under.

[ 01-10-2003: Message edited by: satchmo ]</p>


  • Reply 1 of 3
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    I think about that quite a bit. I've noticed, over the past three years or so, how much Apple seems to "do it first...", then everyone else kinda falls in and adapts it or comes up with their own version of it.

    From hardware to software and all points in between.

    The first time I heard the phrase "digital hub", it was from Jobs at one of the keynotes. He might not have been the first to utter it, but he certainly (like USB, wireless networking, home digital video, stylish hardware, etc.) brought it to the masses and made it a common, often-heard/seen thing.

    There MIGHT'VE been blue, curvy and see-through computers before 1998...but no one could tell you what it was.

  • Reply 2 of 3
    epleeple Posts: 4member
    The Digital Hub strategy got first introduced at Macworld SF 2001, this was when they introduced iTunes 1.
  • Reply 3 of 3
    Yeah. I don't know if Jobs coined it, though, but the marketing dept at Apple certainly did.
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