Apple worried about constitutional changes in considering North Carolina campus



  • Reply 21 of 49
    jcs2305jcs2305 Posts: 1,339member
    So the multinational corporation is worried about elected officials accountable to the people meddling with the constitution. I guess Apple prefers to do the meddling themselves. Certainly they have welcomed their communist Chinese overlords with open arms, censorship and all, without a complaint.
    Chinese overlords? Hahaha wow ... 
  • Reply 22 of 49
    dewmedewme Posts: 5,669member
    There are many many other states with first class universities, highly qualified candidates, and good quality of life that would welcome Apple with open arms. I'm not suggesting an Amazon style beauty contest but putting an Apple R&D or product support campus in Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Detroit, Indianapolis, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, etc., would be life changing for so many good people and avoid the many political controversies associated with North Carolina at the present. RTP is not hurting economically and already has a healthy mix of jobs at all levels. Having an Apple campus there only makes the rich richer and would have a very small incremental impact on the area compared to the significant impact it would have in other areas that are still struggling. Yes, unemployment numbers are low in most of the cities I listed, but a disproportionate number of people are underemployed and working in low paying jobs, like Amazon warehouse workers. The kinds of jobs Apple brings would improve the overall mix and foster richer corporate-university interactions and spin up more innovation incubators. There's already an army of federal, state, and local legislators and elected officials in place whose primary focus is on making the rich, including themselves, even richer. Maybe Apple can upset that apple cart and impact change where it's most needed. 
  • Reply 23 of 49
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    politicians "meddling with constitutional amendments for political influence,"
    Don’t. get. me. started.  :D 
    Francules said:
    I can’t live in peace because of police & county politics being racist & disccrimnating me against my natural & spiritual practices. They hate vegans. 
    You’re nuts. No one, anywhere, is forcing you to buy animal products.
    edited August 2018
  • Reply 24 of 49
    AppleishAppleish Posts: 705member
    The economy is firing on all cylinders right now. Tim is mistaken.

    It sure is. Thanks Obama!
  • Reply 25 of 49
    Appleish said:
    The economy is firing on all cylinders right now. Tim is mistaken.

    It sure is. Thanks Obama!
    Too bad, magically, the economy was severely underperforming under Mr. O. 
    tallest skilSpamSandwich
  • Reply 26 of 49
    dysamoriadysamoria Posts: 3,430member
    politicians "meddling with constitutional amendments for political influence,"
    Don’t. get. me. started.  :D 
    Francules said:
    I can’t live in peace because of police & county politics being racist & disccrimnating me against my natural & spiritual practices. They hate vegans. 
    You’re nuts. No one, anywhere, is forcing you to buy animal products.
    No. That's a strawman YOU built; it wasn't a statement Francules made. Francules is talking about bigotry; the word used was "hate".

    People do demonstrate considerable hatred toward vegans in certain places. Is it difficult to understand that it happens, or do you reject the fact of it?

    I experience it myself, even from self-proclaimed *progressives*. They seem to view mocking vegans as a safe type of bigotry in which to participate. It's almost like some kind of pressure release valve for the other bigotry they've been suppressing, in order to present themselves as progressive and welcoming to others. They'll defend their bigotry by referencing a nasty vegan they encountered once (more likely, merely heard of from someone else who told them how nasty or "holier than thou" vegans are), and then they'll throw myths about human biology/diet that aren't held up by actual science.

    It's still bigotry. Refusing to accept that bigotry exists is part of the reason that it continues.
  • Reply 27 of 49
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    dysamoria said:
    Francules is talking about bigotry; the word used was "hate".
    And it’s a statement so beneath contempt that it didn’t warrant recognition. It’s also, incidentally, a strawman itself.
    People do demonstrate considerable hatred toward vegans in certain places.
    The evidences, here, being what?
    They seem to view mocking vegans as a safe type of bigotry in which to participate. It's almost like some kind of pressure release valve for the other bigotry they've been suppressing, in order to present themselves as progressive and welcoming to others.
    They have to have an outlet somewhere; they’re psychologically prevented from telling the truth anywhere else, after all.
    ...then they'll throw myths about human biology/diet that aren't held up by actual science.
    The non-vegans do this? Hmm.
    It's still bigotry. Refusing to accept that bigotry exists is part of the reason that it continues.
    Learning what bigotry actually is would help a huge portion of the population get over it. I agree.
  • Reply 28 of 49
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    Appleish said:
    The economy is firing on all cylinders right now. Tim is mistaken.

    It sure is. Thanks Obama!
    Too bad, magically, the economy was severely underperforming under Mr. O. 
    LOL...  Only if you believe FauxNews propaganda.
  • Reply 29 of 49
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    In a way the drive to undo the governors ability to appoint people could be a good thing in the long run.    I'm talking NY here but you get a creep of ao governor in office and you end up with a bunch of pathetic appointees that don't give a damn about the residents of the state.   

    To put it another way Apple might actually be undermining itself if they object to these changes.

    The bigger problem is this, Apple has no reason to be insinuating itself into a political issues that means nothing to them.      One might say that they would get far better press keeping their nose out of the politics of things not related to the tech world.
  • Reply 30 of 49
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    dysamoria said:
    politicians "meddling with constitutional amendments for political influence,"
    Don’t. get. me. started.  :D 
    Francules said:
    I can’t live in peace because of police & county politics being racist & disccrimnating me against my natural & spiritual practices. They hate vegans. 
    You’re nuts. No one, anywhere, is forcing you to buy animal products.
    No. That's a strawman YOU built; it wasn't a statement Francules made. Francules is talking about bigotry; the word used was "hate".

    People do demonstrate considerable hatred toward vegans in certain places. Is it difficult to understand that it happens, or do you reject the fact of it?

    I experience it myself, even from self-proclaimed *progressives*. They seem to view mocking vegans as a safe type of bigotry in which to participate. It's almost like some kind of pressure release valve for the other bigotry they've been suppressing, in order to present themselves as progressive and welcoming to others. They'll defend their bigotry by referencing a nasty vegan they encountered once (more likely, merely heard of from someone else who told them how nasty or "holier than thou" vegans are), and then they'll throw myths about human biology/diet that aren't held up by actual science.

    It's still bigotry. Refusing to accept that bigotry exists is part of the reason that it continues.
    Yeh, I don't deny what you say.
    But, my sense as a vegan is that most of that stems from guilt and embarrassment rather than innate bigotry:   We go to a restaurant, they order cheeseburger & fries known to make them fat and sick while I order some healthy plant stuff -- by my being there I kind of make them look bad.   If they would simply acknowledge that what they're eating is not good for them, the environment or the cow "but they're gonna do it anyway because they like it", everybody would be much better off.
  • Reply 31 of 49
    wood1208wood1208 Posts: 2,921member
    Research Triangle Park is home for many IBM RedHat Information,CISCO Networking, Cloud, biotech, Video game(fortnite),CREE LED, etc and I can go on and on. They are operating and growing in RTP for decades and have no issue with local/state government. So, So Apple just don't be over worried for something that does not exit. Make RTP your home if that is what you figured right place for the Apple Campus 2. You got great 3 college campuses within 10 miles from RTP for talent pool.

    edited August 2018
  • Reply 32 of 49
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    And Tim is making more noise that is going to result in negative attention on Apple. Maybe he could talk to the Prez directly instead of posturing for the media with stunts like this?

    The economy is firing on all cylinders right now. Tim is mistaken.
    Did you likewise give credit to Obama since the trend upwards began under his administration? It was down after Bush, then pushed up.

    Side note - speaking of censorship, did anyone see the story about google planning to launch in China after their previous pull out of china?
    The so called bump form Obama was virtually a statistical mistake.   The difference under Trump is the feeling you get in the business world that things are improving.    It is a positive energy.    Trumps goal is to build up the business world while Obama implemented many policies that destroyed companies and even industries.

    As for China the vibe I'm getting is that the climate in China is getting worse by the day!    Nobody should be doing business there anymore.   Frankly it is as disgusting as the enterprises that did business in Germany before we where pulled into the second world war.   You are basically aiding the enemy.   For the Chinese people I really feel sad for them as they have no idea what their government is up to, in many cases having a distorted view of the world outside of China.
  • Reply 33 of 49
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    IreneW said:
    And Tim is making more noise that is going to result in negative attention on Apple. Maybe he could talk to the Prez directly instead of posturing for the media with stunts like this?

    The economy is firing on all cylinders right now. Tim is mistaken.
    Yeah, what do Tim know about running a business?

    That's not the issue, now is it? Tim is complaining about restrictions on foreign workers entering the US because it benefits Apple to hire from a larger pool of potential employees.
    edited August 2018
  • Reply 34 of 49
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,584member
    wood1208 said:
    Research Triangle Park is home for many IBM RedHat Information,CISCO Networking, Cloud, biotech, Video game(fortnite),CREE LED, etc and I can go on and on. They are operating and growing in RTP for decades and have no issue with local/state government. So, So Apple just don't be over worried for something that does not exit. Make RTP your home if that is what you figured right place for the Apple Campus 2. You got great 3 college campuses within 10 miles from RTP for talent pool.

    If you read the entire article it was mentioned that the as-yet unannounced location for Apple eastern campus is not going to be a tech/development center anyway, It's for Apple Care support. 
  • Reply 35 of 49
    dysamoria said:
    politicians "meddling with constitutional amendments for political influence,"
    Don’t. get. me. started.  :D 
    Francules said:
    I can’t live in peace because of police & county politics being racist & disccrimnating me against my natural & spiritual practices. They hate vegans. 
    You’re nuts. No one, anywhere, is forcing you to buy animal products.
    No. That's a strawman YOU built; it wasn't a statement Francules made. Francules is talking about bigotry; the word used was "hate".

    People do demonstrate considerable hatred toward vegans in certain places. Is it difficult to understand that it happens, or do you reject the fact of it?

    I experience it myself, even from self-proclaimed *progressives*. They seem to view mocking vegans as a safe type of bigotry in which to participate. It's almost like some kind of pressure release valve for the other bigotry they've been suppressing, in order to present themselves as progressive and welcoming to others. They'll defend their bigotry by referencing a nasty vegan they encountered once (more likely, merely heard of from someone else who told them how nasty or "holier than thou" vegans are), and then they'll throw myths about human biology/diet that aren't held up by actual science.

    It's still bigotry. Refusing to accept that bigotry exists is part of the reason that it continues.
    One can be a bigot for disliking/thinking less off people for many reasons. What is so unkind, unfair, etc. about bigotry is- typically the thing they hate others over- the victim of bigotry had little to no control over in the 1st place... being a different race, raised in a different religion, who they happen to be sexually attracted to, and so forth.
    However, if you dislike/think less of people that always bring 20+ items through the 10 items or fewer line, or people that constantly interrupt in the middle of others speaking, or something of that ilk- you can hardly be labeled a bigot. You’re basically saying “I personally don’t care for annoying people”.
    Thats pretty much how I view “vegans”...
    You wonder why people are irked by you??
    Ummmm.... look at your ridiculous comments here!
    You're trying to equate your inconsequential decision to follow some special dietary guidelines & many people’s annoyance at you calling attention to it w/ actual racism & bigotry.
    How tf would anyone even know that you’re vegan to supposedly “hate” you for it, lol?
    You have an “I’m Vegan!” tattoo on your forehead? No? Hmmm.... let me guess- you slip it into EVERY conversation you’ve ever been in, even if it doesn’t relate at all (ooooh, this one comes to mind!).

    I’m so over the “faux-wounded”...
    I’m reminded of this hilarious bit from Silicon Valley:

    Gavin Belson: I'm getting a little tired of this bias against the leaders of our industry. I'm continually creating jobs and helping people, and I'm tired of getting slapped for it. I didn't steal the money I have, and I resent being treated like I did. You know, there is a climate in this country that is very dangerous.
    Kara Swisher: It's dangerous out there for billionaires? 
    Gavin Belson: There's that attitude again, Kara. Billionaires are people, too. We are leaders in technology, in industry, in finance. Look at history. Do you know who else vilified a tiny minority of financiers and progressive thinkers called the Jews? 
    Walter Mossberg: Wait a minute. Did you just compare the treatment of billionaires in America today to the plight of the Jews in Nazi Germany? 
    Gavin Belson: Absolutely. One could argue that billionaires are actually treated worse. (audience groans)And we didn't even do anything wrong. (more groans)We're an even smaller minority. (groans) There's a lot more of them. (groans) These are facts.
    tallest skil
  • Reply 36 of 49
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    tycho_macuser said:
    You have an “I’m Vegan!” tattoo on your forehead? No? Hmmm.... let me guess- you slip it into EVERY conversation you’ve ever been in, even if it doesn’t relate at all (ooooh, this one comes to mind!).
    You know how I know, for a fact, that there is not one person on Earth who is a vegan, does cross-fit, and also vapes? Because if there was, everyone on Earth would have subconsciously been made aware of it simultaneously.  :D 
    Gavin Belson: Absolutely. One could argue that billionaires are actually treated worse. (audience groans)And we didn't even do anything wrong. (more groans)We're an even smaller minority. (groans) There's a lot more of them. (groans) These are facts.
    Now... there’s a citation I could make here. Utterly true, scientifically proven. But it’d get the thread shut down faster than a pub on kids’ night.
  • Reply 37 of 49
    Wow this thread has sure gone in a weird direction very fast. Having lived in North Carolina for 5 years I know that the state would be very good for apple and so would Wisconsin.
  • Reply 38 of 49
    bageljoeybageljoey Posts: 2,008member
    Atomic77 said:
    Wow this thread has sure gone in a weird direction very fast. Having lived in North Carolina for 5 years I know that the state would be very good for apple and so would Wisconsin.
    I used to live there and have family there. I love NC. But I would not blame anyone for reconsidering expansion there right now.

    Someone stated earlier that the state legislature is trying to restrict the power of the governor who was recently elected from a different party. That is true, but it is not whole story. The republicans have so extraordinarily gerrymandered the state that they can win a supermajority of seats while actually losing the popular vote across the legislative races. They have pretty much locked up control of the legislature for a generation if the courts do not intercede. 

    But gerrymandering cannot help with statewide elections—that is why they lost the governorship.  In addition to systematically lessening the power of the governor since then, they want to alter the constitution so as to limit statewide power further.

    This is no less than an attempt to subvert democracy itself. They want to change the laws so they don’t have to win free elections to have total power. 

  • Reply 39 of 49
    mac_dogmac_dog Posts: 1,083member
    So the multinational corporation is worried about elected officials accountable to the people meddling with the constitution. I guess Apple prefers to do the meddling themselves. Certainly they have welcomed their communist Chinese overlords with open arms, censorship and all, without a complaint.
    Physician, heal thyself. 
  • Reply 40 of 49
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    bageljoey said:
    This is no less than an attempt to subvert democracy itself. They want to change the laws so they don’t have to win free elections to have total power. 
    1. The US isn’t a democracy. You’ve been brainwashed.
    2. Both parties do this. Because both parties are owned by the same people.
This discussion has been closed.