If you could change one thing at Apple...

in General Discussion edited January 2014

This is sort of an "overall strategy/approach" type of question, as opposed to specifics on hardware or whatever. In other words, I'm really not interested in any talk of "quad G6 towers" or "DDR this" and "bus speed that" and blah, blah, blah.

I mean in the overall scheme of things: The secrecy? The long times between updates? The pricing? The intentional crippling of certain hardware for no good reason? The lack of customization? Marketing blunders and ball-dropping? Too much focus on consumers? Too much focus on high-end "Sharper Image" type of stuff?

Just for the record, mine would be their marketing. It's truly poor and I've never seen a company with such great stuff (hardware AND software) seem to be content to just piss it away sometimes and not tell everyone about it more.

That's mine...what's yours?

(this is much more fun if you stay somewhat grounded in reality and reason...the first one of you that says "I'd make myself CEO and paint flames on the Gulfstream..." gets a smack).


  • Reply 1 of 5
    [quote]Originally posted by pscates:

    <strong> Just for the record, mine would be their marketing. It's truly poor and I've never seen a company with such great stuff (hardware AND software) seem to be content to just piss it away sometimes and not tell everyone about it more.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I agree with you on this point. Apple's marketing is a complete joke. Apple seems to be in denial that they are a small percentage of the PC industry, they market products using "cutesy" advertising and eye-candy tactics.

    Phil Schiller seems to be the most insincere and sleazy salesman I have ever seen. Phil just comes off as cheap and fake. You can just tell he is totally different infront of the camera and crowds than he is in person. Steve seems more sincere IMO.

    Apple needs to market like they have something to prove, not like a company that has every customer it will ever need. Apple marketing just seems so laid back and comfortable with what seems to be a situation in decadence.
  • Reply 2 of 5
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    Definately pricing
  • Reply 3 of 5
    cubedudecubedude Posts: 1,556member
    Pricing, then marketing. The iBook is competitive, but the iMac and Powermac are not. The ads need serious help, and need to be on more channels. I've seen one on tv(Comedy Central, Whose line is it anyway?). The should at least try to get them on NBC/ABC during primetime, though that might strectch the marketing budget.

    Also, more stuff like the powerbook ad is USA today. Don't keep telling the switched to switch.
  • Reply 4 of 5
    stunnedstunned Posts: 1,096member
    Their marketing people who are in charge of pricing. Those guys have no clue.
  • Reply 5 of 5
    No, no, no! I hate the ad in USA Today/Wall Street Journal. That PowerBook is amazing in more ways than just size. They could have (WITH AN ENTIRE 2 PAGE SPREAD!) told a lot more about the product....Even taken the chance to talk about iLife, OS X, and many other things.

    Apple does seemingly NOT realize how badly they are passing up wondeful oppertunities to preach to the non-converted.
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