Is this right time to switch from PC to Mac?

in General Discussion edited January 2014
I would like to switch from PC to Mac. I am thinking to buy new PowerMac, because I just miss big screen (now old laptop owner) on my homedesk.

Dual 1.25GHz is quite expensive for me and I am thinking single 1Ghz + ATI 9000 + 2x512 memory (from local PC shop).

My main use is daily work in OS X with email, www, office, X11, some basic scientific calculation and Java/Object C basic/UNIX learning. I don't do anything like Photoshop stuff or videoediting.

Basic Questions:

1. Is there significant speed difference between single 1GHz and double 1.25GHz if you think my use in OS X?

2. How well OS X works in those new machines? My parents have Cube (450MHz) with Radeon and 1GB RAM and it works almost ok. Sometimes it's a little bit slow.

2. I don't buy computers often. I would like to use my new Mac at least 3 years. How valuable/competitive my Mac will be in the future, if you think OS X?

3. I really like Apple LCD Displays. My parents have got one of those. I might buy one of those, because it's so easy to buy, quality is great and I don't want to spend my time looking LCD display reviews. If I buy Linux box then I need another display on my desk?

4. Hardest question is: Is this right time to buy Mac? I know that faster machines are coming in the future and your machine will slower. That isn't problem. There has been so long rumors about new processors and how fast they will be etc... My only fear is that in MWBO/NY Steve presents new processors (faster machines) and they are like 10xfaster than previous machines (Macs). My only salvation will be the price of new machines. Maybe first revision will be quite expensive for homeusers and second cheaper. So I have to wait to MWSF'04 until I could buy those new processor Macs and it's one year.

I don't want to spend so much money into computers. I just need machine which works and Mac with OS X is it!

Specific questions:

1. What kind of SCSI support there is in OS X? I have old HP SCSI DAT tape machine.

2. I would like to take tar backups to DAT tape. Can I do this in Terminal?

3. If I have superdrive + cd-rw/dvd + hard disk. How many additional internal hard disk I can connect and will be all in ATA100?

4. How is the printer/scanner support in OS X? I am going to buy cheap printer for just small occasional use. Who has best OS X printer supprt? HP? Who has best scanner support? HP?

5. ATI Radeon 9000 has better picture quality in 2D than GeoForce 4MX?

[ 01-30-2003: Message edited by: Stratosfear ]</p>


  • Reply 1 of 12
    I can answer just a couple of questions.

    1 - This is definitely a good time to buy a Mac, but I would recommend that if you buy a G4, that you go for a dual processor, as it will make it last alot longer. I bought a dual 450 over two years ago and it is still humming, even on video, photo and OSX tasks.

    If you go for a single processor, then go for the updated I-Mac 17 inch coming out in 1 week. Rumor has it $1,800 with 1 Ghtz chip, 4x DVD burner, 17 inch screen, etc.

    Whatever you get, get lots of RAM, as this is the single biggest speed deteminer. I recommend minimum 500 megs, but go to 1 gig if you can afford it.

    Dont worry about upgrades 6 months from now, as they will always be there and they will be expensive. There wont be any chips 10x as fast. Probably only 20% faster, and even then your system with dual processors and lots of RAM will perform better!!!!

    Mac has done a great job in the last year of getting OSX and all the i-apps up to speed, so that is all in place, and Safari browser is awesome.
  • Reply 2 of 12

    I believe rbfoye answered #1, so i will concentrate on what's left:


    I use 1ghz Tibook and SDRAM (older) dual 1ghz powerbook, and it's great. By this i mean smooth, responsive, and it crashed once on me (on Ti), never on powerbook. Right now, i'm encoding mpeg, i also have safari, mail, lotus notes and VirtualPC open. System is maxed out, but its still responsive, no problems at all, try to do it in win. Also OS X itself is multi-processor aware, so it will utilize dual CPU machine if you decide to get one.

    2.2 :-)

    Just like rbfoye, in graphics dep. we have one of the older dual 450mhz powermacs, it's used everyday without any problems, or slowdowns. It just works. Photoshop, Quark, InDesigh, Illustrator. We maxed out the RAM, and never touched it since then. We just do software upgrades.


    No, you can buy a switch box, but i don't know specifics, and someone here i'm sure will be able to help you more on this.


    There's always something new comming. I bought my 1ghz Ti in Dec, and since then apple introduced 2 new powerbook models but you know what, i'm completely happy with my Ti, it's awsome machine. Same goes for any mac.

    And now specific questions:

    [quote] 1. What kind of SCSI support there is in OS X? I have old HP SCSI DAT tape machine. <hr></blockquote>

    You can put in SCSI card, but i'm not sure about DAT, as you need some kind of a driver right?

    I'm using external FW HD and carbon copy cloner to 'clone' my entire HD, you can schedule it, and you have full system backup in case something goes wrong.


    [quote] I would like to take tar backups to DAT tape. Can I do this in Terminal? <hr></blockquote>

    IF your system will mount DAT tape then sure u can.


    Depends which model you want.

    Check on <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>


    You will be OK if you check before u buy. Check apple's made for mac section, and ask around.

    i have used OS X with HP deskjet 970 and 932 (basically the same thing), HP 4000, 4050, 4550, Ricoh 550, without ANY problems, but then again some printers won't work so CHECK beforu u buy.

    As for scanner i would get Canon's LIDE 30 (i think i have the name right) as many people reported that it works flawlessly. And is inexpensive. At home i'm using Canon 636U, but i have to use Vue Scan as there are no OS X drivers. Also we had major problems with Heidelberg Sapphire 2 (SCSI) and OS X here @ work.


    Personally i prefer RADEON, (and not because i have it :-) ), it offers better DVD playback, and has advanced power-saving features.

    Hope that helps u a little.

    Also go to an apple store or apple dealer and play with these machines.
  • Reply 3 of 12
    progmacprogmac Posts: 1,850member
    i'd prefer a closeout dual 867 MDD powermac to a single 1ghz. OS X is just great w/2 processors.

    count on spending $150 for some kind of adapter to use the apple lcd with a linux box.

    it's a fine time to buy.

    i'd say 9 chances out of 10 your tape drive won't work. consider a removeable hard drive for backup.
  • Reply 4 of 12
    Thank you! I will now start saving money for dual 1.25GHz!
  • Reply 5 of 12
    stoostoo Posts: 1,490member
    If you can wait, the PowerPC 970 is expected to offer a large leap in performance over the current G4 and should be arriving late Q2/Q3.
  • Reply 6 of 12
    [quote]Originally posted by Stoo:

    <strong>If you can wait, the PowerPC 970 is expected to offer a large leap in performance over the current G4 and should be arriving late Q2/Q3.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    How large? How much it will cost? I personally think that first revision of 970 target will be professional users and price will be high for normal home users. Maybe now is time to buy Mac, when there is PowerMac models for home users.
  • Reply 7 of 12
    you won't see the 970 until Aug or September and depending on the yeild only the high end powermac may have them. you might still see a G4 in the lower end of the powermacs
  • Reply 8 of 12
    It is worth it to wait, the performance leap will be quite large, from 2 to 3 X what the speeds are now.
  • Reply 9 of 12
    [quote]Originally posted by Rick1138:

    <strong>It is worth it to wait, the performance leap will be quite large, from 2 to 3 X what the speeds are now.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    You think that thats gonna be the G5? or just an updated G4?
  • Reply 10 of 12
    I am still between single 1GHz and dual 1.25GHz. Dual is quite expensive for me. I don't know, if I need so much processor power. If I buy now single and later 970 when it comes cheaper. Maybe first models are quite expensive and they have some early problems.
  • Reply 11 of 12
    No, its not the right time.

    Mike Dell says Apple is going out of business. I would be careful. Mike is smart. Real smart.

  • Reply 12 of 12
    (double-post, sorry)

    [ 02-09-2003: Message edited by: dstranathan ]</p>
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