iTunes Purchases - An unknown error occurred (-54)

in Genius Bar
I recently purchased a few music albums and films from iTunes which were subsequently downloaded to my iMac. However I also received this error message " There was a problem downloading “Bridge Over Troubled Water / Seventies Anthems / Simon & Garfunkel”. An unknown error occurred (-54). " for each item I purchased.  

I subsequently discovered that all the purchases were successfully downloaded to my other Apple devices, namely my iPhone, iPad and another iMac. The iMac that I am having the problem with was recently wiped clean and a fresh install of Mojave done. My music library and relevant iTune files are on an external hard drive.

Trusting someone can help me with this problem.


  • Reply 1 of 1
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,434moderator
    My music library and relevant iTune files are on an external hard drive.
    Is that drive plugged in and turned on when trying to download the files?

    Check the iTunes preferences > Advanced > iTunes Media folder location, that's where it's looking for the iTunes folder. Perhaps you linked to the external using an alias on the internal that was removed when the internal was wiped.
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