Does Canoscan FB 630 U work in OS X?? (urgent)

in General Discussion edited January 2014
A rather urgent question. Apple pages don't really mention it explicitly, and neither do the pages over at Canon, but still. Should I take it as a yes or a no? Also, even if there were no specific drivers, would it be possible to use it as a twain device, or am i missing something here?

The question is a bit urgent since this is an ebay auction (scam?) running right now, and I guess I'll win, or maybe not, I just would like to know if it'd be worth upping my bid if need be.


  • Reply 1 of 1
    matveimatvei Posts: 193member
    I think it's the one I had...

    Only worked in classic for me. You should check VueScan though...

    It's been a while since I tried it.
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