I'm officially on record: G4 iBook will be unveiled tomorrow
Okay, maybe not the entire line, but I truly believe a "special edition" of some sort is waiting.
Just a feeling. Might cost $2000, might not sell worth a flaming crap. But I do believe it will be unveiled.
My others? Pretty tame (and like most here):
- 20GB iPod (maybe a snazzy new feature too?).
- Updated iTunes as well.
- G4s will now have two models (out of three configs) at 1GHz and above, say 1GHz and 1.2GHz. The low-end being a 933MHz model...all with SuperDrive, however (all you clowns expecting "dual 1.6GHz G4s" need to grab the reins a bit and review your history and past patterns)
- Jaguar extensive face-time and demo (surprise announcement: it's available TODAY!)
- 17" iMac (but not just ANY 17"...just watch)
That's it.
Oh yeah, one more thing:
Some type of new digital iDevice. Not even gonna speculate on what it is exactly, but it'll have something to do with video and/or photography. Perhaps not the CREATION of it, but something cool and unexpected. And whichever iApp is meant to work with it will also see a significant update (iMovie, iPhoto)
We'll know tomorrow.
We should've all kicked in $5, starting a month or so ago, to a centralized fund. Then after the keynote, whoever got closest wins the pool.
We should remember that for MWSF 03!
[ 07-16-2002: Message edited by: pscates ]</p>
Just a feeling. Might cost $2000, might not sell worth a flaming crap. But I do believe it will be unveiled.
My others? Pretty tame (and like most here):
- 20GB iPod (maybe a snazzy new feature too?).
- Updated iTunes as well.
- G4s will now have two models (out of three configs) at 1GHz and above, say 1GHz and 1.2GHz. The low-end being a 933MHz model...all with SuperDrive, however (all you clowns expecting "dual 1.6GHz G4s" need to grab the reins a bit and review your history and past patterns)
- Jaguar extensive face-time and demo (surprise announcement: it's available TODAY!)
- 17" iMac (but not just ANY 17"...just watch)
That's it.
Oh yeah, one more thing:
Some type of new digital iDevice. Not even gonna speculate on what it is exactly, but it'll have something to do with video and/or photography. Perhaps not the CREATION of it, but something cool and unexpected. And whichever iApp is meant to work with it will also see a significant update (iMovie, iPhoto)
We'll know tomorrow.
We should've all kicked in $5, starting a month or so ago, to a centralized fund. Then after the keynote, whoever got closest wins the pool.
We should remember that for MWSF 03!
[ 07-16-2002: Message edited by: pscates ]</p>
<img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" />
Bluetooth all the way...
<img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" />
That isn't meant to be as smart-assed as it probably sounds. I'm being legit and serious. We're absolutely SURE there's no way a current iBook body could house/run a G4?
I don't know, I'm asking
AND, if the answer to "A" is yes, then:
How in the hell do we know Apple HASN'T redesigned/tweaked the iBook case to allow for this? Hmmm?
We don't know WHAT they do, when they do it, how they do it, what they're working on, what projects are truly underway, etc.
A G4 iBook isn't an impossibility. Did ANYONE see the eMac coming?
with crossed fingers,
But what the hell do I know?
If the iBook went G4, it would either have to have fans and/or an astonishingly effective cooling system, or a metal skin and/or an impressively effective cooling system.
Now, if Motorola has a version of the 7445 or the 1.3v 7455 fabbed on a .13 micron process, it just might be efficient enough not to require drastic measures. But it's still going to dissipate more heat than the Sahara chip in the current models.
we could have different categories, with current products and upgrade options for all of them. Processor and speed would be worth 5 pts a piece, Bus speed 2, HD and CD 1, etc.
Now, the tricky part is the stuff yet unreleased. Do we count software? iDevices would certainly be the toughest to score. I guess someone would have to go through all the rumors and predictions and make a scale for all possible products.
Make it a web submit with pull down menus.
Boy, that would take a lot of work to pull off, but really make predictions quite a bit of fun.
<strong>I am officially going on the record as "hoping but doubting" pscates is right.....
with crossed fingers,
Thanks for the strong, unwavering support! Throw everything you got into my corner...don't be shy!
<strong>I can see the 14" iBook get a G4 with an advanced passive heat sink technology.</strong><hr></blockquote>
That would totally suck. The 12" iBook should get a G4 instead/as well.
The 12" 1024x768 screen is AWESOME, and at 800MHz or so, I swear it would be my sole computer. I'd trick it out, of course, with Soundsticks, AirPort (disconnect the SoundSticks, of course, and move around), a white Pro mouse and keyboard and that cool little riser tray thing from Griffin.
Oh, and AT LEAST a 60GB hard drive and a Combo Drive.
ibooks were just updated in the 2 months (don't remember when)
same with the powerbooks
powermacs will be updated in mid-August as seen through the rebate and the fact that powermacs ship within 1-2 days
the imac will (most likely) be updated
fellas...you gotta get back down from cloud 9 and think realistically
you guys are gonna be very dissappointed come 9 AM tomorrow
However, i think its very possible that the Power Book will become a G4 1 GHz
<strong>people need to start thinking realistically
ibooks were just updated in the 2 months (don't remember when)
same with the powerbooks
powermacs will be updated in mid-August as seen through the rebate and the fact that powermacs ship within 1-2 days
the imac will (most likely) be updated
fellas...you gotta get back down from cloud 9 and think realistically
you guys are gonna be very dissappointed come 9 AM tomorrow</strong><hr></blockquote>
New laptops expected at Macworld
By The Director on Jul 15, 02 | 11:17 pm |
A revised laptop line is expected to make an appearance at the coming Macworld, sources tell Spymac.
Although initially believed to only effect the iBook line, insiders yesterday revealed to Spymac that both PowerBooks and iBooks will be refreshed.
The minor updates will see Bluetooth built-in to at least one model of both lines.
Bluetooth is a wireless connectivity protocol that allows for short-range (up to 30 feet) communication among peripherals such as mice and cell phones. Bluetooth support is built-in to Jaguar, as demonstrated months ago at Macworld Tokyo.
This latest information gives a fairly complete picture of Jobs' keynote. A recap of the Apple retail line (including the upcoming international venture in Amsterdam and New York's first outlet), new iPods (see yesterday's news), a 17-inch iMac (if wide-spread rumors are accurate) and extensive Jaguar coverage (including .Mac -- Apple's latest revenue stream) will make up the meat of the announcements.
Of course, there's always a surprise or two...