how many people contribute to keynote?

in General Discussion edited January 2014
My wife and I watched the 2003 keynote the other night and got to wondering how many people it takes to put together a MWSF keynote. I mean, Steve probably doesn't just sit down the night before and knock it out after dinner.

When I watch the keynotes I'm really impressed how good they are. You notice that Steve almost never reads anything off the screen. Steve talks directly to the audience. Slides appear on screen to punctuate, illustrate and support what he is talking about. The whole show is so smooth, 90 minutes with hardly a break. I have to give presentations around Asia (much shorter to about three to five people at a time) and I like to study MWSF keynotes as style guides.

In this keynote Steve said he had nearly 500 slides. I'm guessing they start in October. At that point they don't know what will be in the keynote and what will be cut so I'm guessing they produce about twice that, organize it in chapters to accomodate last minute selection.

I'm guessing that Steve sits down with a marketing guy and a writer and outlines all the things that could be included. Then the writer and the marketer go off and come up with a slick presentation which then is rendered into real slides by about five more people.

Certainly they go through revisions through December. Finally in the final week before MWSF comes the critical editing to produce the final product which fits the time constraint and conveys the desired message.

Are these all Apple people or does Chiat-Day produce the keynotes?


  • Reply 1 of 3
    serranoserrano Posts: 1,806member

    Seriously though, what's the point of this thread?
  • Reply 2 of 3
    [quote]Originally posted by serrano:


    Seriously though, what's the point of this thread?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    The guy's curious. This is a discussion forum related to "General Discussion" about Apple (and its products). Seems reasonable.
  • Reply 3 of 3
    buonrottobuonrotto Posts: 6,368member
    I remember reading an article, I think it was the issue of Business Week with Jobs on the cover a couple of years ago. that covers some of his preparations for a MacWorld. It was the introduction of the iMacs with the short-neck CRTs, the air-cooled ones. From my memory, he was sitting in the audience seats, directing some other people (not identified) to move the line of iMacs out further when they coe out from backstage and stuff like that. So I imagine he has a lot of A/V people and roadies from Apple scurrying around. I would guess 3 A/V people, and maybe 6 stage hands.
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