Safari and Facebook and Private Browsing

in Mac Software
I have been gradually constraining my use of Facebook. I don't have it on any iOS devices now and try to only use it in Firefox, in a container and with the Disconnect extension active.  On Safari I had logged out of Facebook and deleted all cookies and caches.  And yet, caches and cookies for Facebook kept reappearing.  Took me a while to understand that ANY webpage that has the little Facebook "like" button on it (which is nearly all of them) can and will put a Facebook cookie into Safari. In fact even though I was logged out of FB on Safari, it was still tracking sites I visited and then sending targeted ads to FB I had running on Firefox. That really got me P.O.ed but I also wanted to figure out how to stop this.

Turns out Private Browsing does a fine job of stomping on Facebook cookies and since I turned it on, no FB cookies have reappeared. However, the downside of Private Browsing, for me anyway, is that it does not keep a history of sites visited. I know, I know, that is one of the main features of Private Browsing.  However, I have used Safari history numerous times to find a site I had casually visited months ago and wanted to visit again.  I surf incessantly and entering a bookmark for every site I visit is not practical. By now I would probably have accumulated 100k bookmarks and that is not something I want to have or to manage.

Is there a way to achieve Facebook cookie blocking AND still have a normal history? I want a targeted option, not a broad ad-blocker sort of thing. Ad blockers don't work for me because so many sites won't grant you access if using one. That is also a deal breaker.
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