Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 2070SB-BK (22" CRT)

in General Discussion edited January 2014
I wanna hook this bad boy up to my 12" PB. anyone have any reviews? or alternatives? <apple flat is out of the quesiton as the 12" has no DVI support>

ready, set, GO!

<a href=" ay_DP2070SB_BK/display_~latest_prices" target="_blank">Wanna see it? well Click away.</a>



  • Reply 1 of 3
    I just got the 2070sb about 5-6 months ago, and I am absolutely loving it. I had been dreaming of a 22" Mitsubishi for some time. The 4 year old Mitsubishi DP 17" I was living with wasn't quite enough. Now I have both monitors, the 17" at 1280x1024 and the 22" at 1920x1440, which provides a good amount of space to spread out. Although it sure would be nice to have two monitors of the same size. Two 2070sb's?. :homer drool: aghhh :homer drool:

    BTW I would be running the 22" at 2048x1536 but my Radeon PCI isn't quite up to it. It gives a little fuzzyness to the top right of the picture at that resolution.

    As far as a review, I found a pretty thorough review of the 2070sb in a thread at ars when I was looking around for info. But their search function is still not working so I can't provide the link. I suggest checking at the ars forum periodically to see if searching has been fixed if you are interested. It was a very informative thread.

    <a href=""; target="_blank">Ars Technica open forum</a>

    It was in the Audio/Visual Club forum btw.

    As for my thoughts, as I said, I love it, no complaints whatsoever. The picture quality is top notch. I don't think you would be disappointed. I was a little hesitant to get a black monitor, but I have grown to really like that color.

    I didn't even look into alternatives when I got this since I always kept track of the biggest and best monitors from Mitsubishi over time, and was very pleased with the performance of the Mitsubishi DP 17" monitor I had been using for years. There is of course the NEC 22" (FP2141SB-BK) which is exactly the same monitor as the Mitsubishi 22", only with a different name on the front.

    <a href=""; target="_blank">NEC / Mitsubishi site</a>

    NEC monitors are a little less costly since they are aimed at the pc market, instead of Macs. I wasn't aware of NEC being the same as Mitsubishi when I first started looking into getting the 2070sb, and was thinking of going with the NEC after I found that out, since it was less $$$ for what is really the same product, but when I went to order from Dell (they had the lowest prices at the time) the Mitsubishi was only $633 while the NEC was $620. I figured 13 bucks was worth staying with the brand name I had known and loved for so long, even if it was just a name.

    You can see a smallish picture of the 2070 in the <a href=""; target="_blank">"Pic of computer setup - 2003"</a> thread.

    Second to last post. If you would like more pics I can post them.
  • Reply 2 of 3
    thanks for the Input.

    I'm waiting to see what my macdealer can "drudge up" to compare prices.

    anyone else have a huge monitor they'd like to tell me about?

  • Reply 3 of 3
    In case you are still interested but haven't searched ars, the review is <a href=" 60955035#9160955035" target="_blank">here.</a>

    Tons of good info there, I felt fortunate to find that when I was looking into the 2070.

    Also ran across <a href=" 90937745#8290937745" target="_blank">this.</a> Some other comparable monitors are mentioned there.
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