A critical software update is required for your Mac.

in Genius Bar
I’ve been greeted with this screen multiple times when first booting up my Late 2016 MacBook Pro and sometimes selecting Shut Down makes it go away. Not anymore, now it’s been followed by kernel panics. I’ve had the Logic Board replaced twice in as many weeks and 3 Clean Installs of the OS X.

This time I have been greeted by this screen after just picking up my MacBook Pro at the Apple Store and turning it on to set it up once again. I showed this pic to a couple of Apple Geniuses in the past couple of weeks and some have seen it and some have not. No one can really tell me what causes it or better yet how to fix it.

Anyone here have any ideas or should I just bring my computer back to the Apple Store once again for the 4th time?


  • Reply 1 of 3
    elijahgelijahg Posts: 2,846member
    I think you need to connect to the internet. Is this the first screen to appear, or can you pick a WiFi network before it appears?
  • Reply 2 of 3
    pulseimagespulseimages Posts: 661member
    elijahg said:
    I think you need to connect to the internet. Is this the first screen to appear, or can you pick a WiFi network before it appears?
    It is the first screen that appears but if you try to select your WiFi network it will try to connect and then fail asking you if you want to try again. If you try again to which it will try to connect and fail again. Only thing you can do is shutdown and hope it doesn’t appear when you reboot. 
  • Reply 3 of 3
    My MacBook Pro from late 2017 does the same thing from time to time. I've not been able to figure out a fix.
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