power macintosh G4 G5
Take a look at the head of
<a href="http://www.europcomputer.com/pmG4.htm" target="_blank">http://www.europcomputer.com/pmG4.htm</a>
"Europcomputer Power Macintosh G4 G5 revendeur agréé Apple Nice France"
Very strange...
<a href="http://www.europcomputer.com/pmG4.htm" target="_blank">http://www.europcomputer.com/pmG4.htm</a>
"Europcomputer Power Macintosh G4 G5 revendeur agréé Apple Nice France"
Very strange...
<strong>Take a look at the head of
<a href="http://www.europcomputer.com/pmG4.htm" target="_blank">http://www.europcomputer.com/pmG4.htm</a>
"Europcomputer Power Macintosh G4 G5 revendeur agréé Apple Nice France"
Very strange...</strong><hr></blockquote>
For those of you who are shaking your heads not knowing what he's talking about...
View the page source...you get this...
<!-- Europcomputer power macintosh, power macintosh G4, power macintosh G4, power macintosh g5, apple, power macintosh g4 apple, power macintosh g5 apple, POWER MACINTOSH G4 APPLE, POWER MACINTOSH G5 APPLE, macintosh, MACINTOSH, revendeur apple, apple computer, nice france -->
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\t\t<meta name="description" content="Europcomputer power macintosh, power macintosh G4, power macintosh G4, power macintosh g5, apple, power macintosh g4 apple, power macintosh g5 apple, POWER MACINTOSH G4 APPLE, POWER MACINTOSH G5 APPLE, macintosh, MACINTOSH, revendeur apple, apple computer, nice france">
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\t\t<!-- Europcomputer power macintosh, power macintosh G4, power macintosh G4, power macintosh g5, apple, power macintosh g4 apple, power macintosh g5 apple, POWER MACINTOSH G4 APPLE, POWER MACINTOSH G5 APPLE, macintosh, MACINTOSH, revendeur apple, apple computer, nice france -->
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<strong>Take a look at the head of
<a href="http://www.europcomputer.com/pmG4.htm" target="_blank">http://www.europcomputer.com/pmG4.htm</a>
"Europcomputer Power Macintosh G4 G5 revendeur agréé Apple Nice France"
Very strange...</strong><hr></blockquote>
There's Powerbook G4/G5 too, which is interesting as Apple no longer have pictures of it at <a href="http://www.apple.com/hardware/" target="_blank">http://www.apple.com/hardware/</a> which suggest a new form factor in the next revision.
View the page source...you get this...
Right, I saw this one first but that only explains why it appears in the titlebar...and not why they should make reference to G5...
"Generate cheap hits... " Never thought of that, but excellent point. Another potential rumor genterator laid to rest.
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Like a shop vac.