Yamaha Introduces World's First mLAN Music Production System

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in General Discussion edited January 2014
Digital mixer, control surface, 96kHz DSP processing power, audio/MIDI interface all in one

March 6, 2003

The all new YAMAMA 01X delivers power and flexibility never before offered in any computer audio product and represents a dramatic breakthrough in total integration and flexibility. No more expensive interfaces and control surfaces, the 01X combines both functions in one single unit with mLAN compatibility delivering all MIDI and Audio data via a single cable.

01X is the first product to feature Yamaha's new generation mLAN technology and guarantees high-speed audio and MIDI networking between computers, synthesisers and other mLAN compatible devices. Connecting the 01X is simplicity itself thanks to the industry standard IEEE1394 (FireWire) interface.

Featuring low latency audio interfacing over mLAN for both Windows and Macintosh based computers the 01X delivers remote control power never before offered in a multi-function device. 01X boasts DAW support for Cubase SX, Nuendo, Sonar, Logic Audio, Digital Performer and many other software products. Track-arming, transport control, plug-in-editing, mixing, window selection plus much more can all be controlled directly from the 01X. The 01X will also control a wide range of parameters in many popular software synthesisers.

01X also functions as a multi-port MIDI interface, offering hundreds of channels enabling existing MIDI devices to be easily connected directly to the unit guaranteeing it's place at the heart of any computer music studio.

The unit also has digital signal processing power thanks to Yamaha's world renowned 96kHz technology already found in the flagship DM2000, O2R96 and O1V96 consoles.

The 01X is truly multi-functional across a wide range of applications. In addition to its capability as a professional digital mixing interface for computer audio systems the unit is equally at home functioning as a total recall, stand alone digital mixer for live applications.

<a href="http://messe.harmony-central.com/Musikmesse03/Content/Yamaha/PR/01X.html"; target="_blank">for those of you who've been waiting for this as long as i have you'll probably want to read the rest...</a>


  • Reply 1 of 4
    trick falltrick fall Posts: 1,271member
    Do you know what kind of inputs it has? What about list price? It seems pretty cool. I definitely want to go firewire with my next audio interface. Right now I've got a Motu 2408, but I'd really like to get a new powerbook and a firewire iterface to be able to record anywhere. It'd be cool to have something with no latency monitoring and more mic pre's than the other firewire interfaces.
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  • Reply 2 of 4
    bluesignsbluesigns Posts: 315member
    hey trick,

    you're in NY area?

    i don't know how long we'll have to wait until we see them on 48th street.

    MULTI-FUNCTION CONTROL SURFACE for software sequencer/plug-ins, complete with motorized faders

    *\tSTAND-ALONE 28 CHANNEL DIGITAL MIXER with new high quality mic pre- amps, 48V phantom power on balanced XLR and TRS line inputs.&lt; /font&gt;

    *\t2 X 32-BIT FX PROCESSING with compressors, gates, limiters, and 4-band parametric EQ on all channels.

    *\t24-BIT/96kHz MULTI-CHANNEL mLAN I/O

    *\tINTEGRATED COMPUTER CONTROL. Control all parameters from computer screen; bundled with new VST plug-ins including 01X channel strip.

    *\tLOW LATENCY INTERFACING mLAN for both Mac and PC

    <a href="http://www.01xray.com/"; target="_blank">http://www.01xray.com/</a>;

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  • Reply 3 of 4
    trick falltrick fall Posts: 1,271member
    Yeah, I'm in New York, I might actually take a walk over to 48th Street today. Thanks for the info.
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  • Reply 4 of 4
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,444member
    Hey fellas Sonicstate says this is $1700/Euros !!!

    I mean basically it's just $1k over a FIREstation.

    Finally it's all coming together. Terratec has mLAN stuff coming to. Looks like Yamaha has finally got some momentum going. I'm looking to go mLAN and Logic with my next Mac.

    Oh yeah Tascam is now an mLAN partner!!

    [ 03-09-2003: Message edited by: hmurchison ]</p>
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