Did Catalina Bork Network Shares and Time Machine?

in Genius Bar
Anyone else having issues with network shares hosted on a Mac after upgrading to Catalina?  

My situation:  I have a Mac Mini that shares a few partitions on an external drive, including one partition that a couple other Macs back up to via Time Machine.  After upgrading the Mac Mini, other computers weren't able to access the network shares at all.  After some digging on the internet, I found some people discussing that SMBD doesn't have full disk access to certain folders, and that it needed to be added to programs with full disk access in Security & Privacy. 

After doing that, I can access the share drives, but I have to do it through the "Connect to Server..." menu, trying to connect through Finder doesn't work.  Also, Time Machine refuses to back up over the network even if I have manually connected to the share.

Thoughts?  I'm stumped at this point.
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